Re: DIDKit: A Cross-Platform Toolkit for VCs + DIDs

On 1/29/21 8:27 AM, Markus Sabadello wrote:
> What seems most useful about DIDKit to me is that it supports the
> whole stack! And already looks well-documented, amazing!

+1, this is really great, Wayne -- thank you so much, what a wonderful
contribution to the community!

One of the things that is going to be of increasing importance this year
is demonstrating true multi-vendor interoperability through objective
test suites.

The VC Test Suite and DID Test Suite are a start, but we need something
that hooks into production libraries and deployments and does automated
nightly testing. The RDF Normalization test suite is one such suite that
actually tests live implementations, but integrating with it isn't trivial.

The VC HTTP API test suite hitting real issuers/verifiers is more along
the lines of what we need to demonstrate true up-to-date interop,
especially as new features are added to the VC/DID ecosystem.

All in all, very excited to see a Rust implementation for the VC, DID,
and Linked Data Security stacks. :)

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Friday, 29 January 2021 15:11:46 UTC