Re: Current List of W3C Proposed Proof Purposes?

There's keyAgreement as well. The only place I've seen these documented as
well is in the security-vocab[1] which could use some work to show how all
of the terms are grouped.



On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 10:52 AM Christopher Allen <> wrote:

> I can't seem to find a list of current possible signature Proof Purposes
> for listing in DID Documents and using for VCs and zCaps. The best i can
> find is from 2018 from David Longley <>:
> "authentication" => "<vocab>#authenticationMethod"
> "assertionMethod" => "<vocab>#assertionMethod"
> "capabilityInvocation" => "<vocab>#capabilityInvocationMethod"
> "capabilityDelegation" => "<vocab>#capabilityDelegationMethod"
> "contractAgreement" => "<vocab>#contractAgreementMethod"
> Is this correct? Are there more? Have some of these been deprecated?
> In particular, I'm wondering where timestamps fit in, and other kinds of
> proofs besides signatures.
> -- Christopher Allen

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