Re: [PROPOSED WORK ITEM] Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary

Hi Steve, thanks for your concerns.

In my opinion, this isn't necessarily an alternative or competitive work item. It has a lot of collaborative potential with global organizations, the same way that the Traceability Vocab is congruent with much of GS1's efforts.

Many of the same folks familiar with the SMART Health Card framework ( and similar global multi-partisan initiatives are already participants in this community group. I see this as an opportunity to do work in the open under IPR protection so we can surface a diversity of perspectives instead leaving it to a single expert panel, who, to my knowledge, remain unnamed and without publicized release timelines.

We are also fortunate to have some of the foremost JSON-LD experts here, which could endow significant interoperability benefits to the vocabulary definitions. Vocabularies are core building blocks for any of these efforts, and I am grateful we have the interest and dedication from organizations like WHO to think about other layers of issues including cross-jurisdictional governance, legality, and liabilities. I imagine a lot of the experts at WHO could even find these definitions useful in their own work or would otherwise be willing to give us feedback here in the open, seeing as how their group only formed this quarter.

If you have information on WHO's timelines and ways for members of the public to get involved in the design, I think folks here would appreciate if you shared.

- Wayne

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, at 5:15 PM, Steve Capell wrote:
> There’s already a WHO initiative to do exactly this.  And I’d imagine whatever WHO publishes as a VC standard to replace the yellow card will be the de-facto (and of course de-jure) world standard 
> Why would you work on an alternative ?
> Steven Capell
> Mob: 0410 437854
>> On 16 Feb 2021, at 9:00 am, Tobias Looker <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'd like to propose a new work item that formally defines a vocabulary for issuing Vaccination Certificates in the form of Verifiable Credentials.
>> Link to CCG PR <>
>> Link to current draft <>
>> Link to repository <>
>> Thanks,
>> Mattr website <>
>> *Tobias Looker*
>> Mattr
>> +64 (0) 27 378 0461
>> Mattr website <>
>> Mattr on LinkedIn <>
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>> Mattr on Github <>
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