Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object

Interesting, thanks for the link. Are there any examples you know of that
use a proof-of-work consensus strategy?


On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 12:00 AM Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <> wrote:

> Your 10-minute assessment isn't correct Brian,
> The Stratis Platform can be deployed with any consensus strategy you'd
> like to use:
> When you refer to "we", who are you referring to?
> Michael
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Brian Richter <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 19, 2021 11:01:51 PM
> *To:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> *Cc:* Steven Rowat <>; W3C Credentials CG
> (Public List) <>; <
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> Hi Michael,
> While technically possible to work outside the Microsoft world, reading
> about the stratis blockchain for the first time they sure seem to go hand
> in hand..
> My 10 minute review of Stratis:
> Yet another proof of stake network… this one with a Microsoft flavour
> I personally don’t think that is a recipe for the decentralization
> (whatever that really means) we all seek.
> Brian
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 6:14 PM Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <
>> wrote:
> RE: define a different DID:object Method that is meant to run in other
> contexts?
> There is one and only one did:object Method ...period defined by its
> specification.
> ..there can however exist more than one implementation of the d:d:object
> DID Method specification ... different o/s platforms, different
> implementation languages,  different VDRs, ...all supporting the same
> compliant abstract interfaces and expected behaviors. ...the same way
> there are multiple diverse implementations of DNS and multiple diverse ways
> of configuring a particular parent domain. Reference:
> A DID Method specification is really a DID API *specification*/object
> model *specification* for Developers to program against DID Identifiers and
> the associated DID Document. This is the core of the GitHub issue I
> referenced earlier.
> The fact that this isn't clear in the DID-CORE and DID Registries
> specifications is serious enough to not have the W3C accept/ratify these
> specifications.
> DID-CORE in my opinion needs to be rolled back into the WG. In its current
> state, I believe it is a waste of resources to pursue the Formal Objections
> process at this time.
> Lastly, while I'm on the soapbox, I don't know the origins or approval
> processes for the content of this Objections FAQ, but it doesn't include my
> input as one of the first responders to Tanker's email. I don't see how it
> can be positioned as the perspective of the CCG community. I, for one, am
> not about to use any of the TDW DID Methods as bargaining chips.
> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Steven Rowat <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 19, 2021 2:41:09 PM
> *To:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>;
> Brian Richter <>
> *Cc:* W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> On 2021-12-19 12:50 pm, Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) wrote:
> Only the reference implementation, i.e. the Trusted Digital Web platform,
> is implemented using the Microsoft tool set. …perhaps, I should have left
> this Appendix out of the specification all together. I was simply being
> transparent.
> Aha, I see I didn't understand that DID:object can be used without it
> being part of the "Trusted Digital Web" platform. That was just part of
> your 'Background' for a reference implementation...then?
> Oh, but wait, I now see in the DID:object Method spec itself, you say that
> it's for the "Trusted Digital Web":
> "The primary audience for this DID Method specification is Implementors
> of apps, agents, and services on the Trusted Digital Web;"
> And in fact "Trusted Digital Web" is in the title, and used 23 times in
> the spec.
> And so I got confused?
> And I'm still confused.
> To try to clarify:
> Does this mean that your DID:object spec is only applicable for "Trusted
> Digital Web", but that other people can, if they like, define a different
> DID:object Method that is meant to run in other contexts?
> And that you're not saying anything about how those DID:object Methods
> would be constructed?
> ?
> Steven Rowat
> Developers will be able to use any tools and technologies they would like
> to build apps, agents, and services that run on the Trusted Digital Web.
> All will remain open source licensed under the MIT license (as it is now).
> In the end, I’m going through the DID Method Registry application process
> as a bit of a test as well as a courtesy.  There are no requirements for
> any Developer to register any DID Method but I decided to go through the
> process anyway.  Today, I submitted 2 more DID Method Specifications that
> are core to the Trusted Digital Web: did:bizdoc and did:bizproc.  Some
> background here:
> (4.5 minutes).
> To the best of my knowledge, I have publicly documented, in detail, more
> about the Trusted Digital Web than I’ve seen for any other decentralized
> platform on the planet.  I’ve been a core influencer when it came to making
> sure that all types of objects (not just people and organizations) are
> represented as first-class objects in virtually all of the standards
> related to decentralized technology …and very openly advocated for their
> broad use.
> Steve, if you don’t like the Microsoft developer platform, tools, and/or
> technologies, I don’t think your sentiments belong on this mailing list IMO.
> I **really** don’t like JavaScript, JSON_LD, etc. and I tolerate JSON but
> you don’t see me complaining about it, do you?
> I’m interested to see where all of this “openness” leads to …seriously.
> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web
> p.s. There is at least one other large commercial decentralized platform
> built with .NET technologies for fear that you might attack them too.
> *From:* Steven Rowat <>
> <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 19, 2021 11:00 AM
> *To:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> <>; Brian Richter <>
> <>
> *Cc:* W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> On 2021-12-17 8:44 pm, Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) wrote:
> The #didobject #DID #Method is approved for acceptance into the @w3c #DID
> #Method #Registry. 4/4.
> Thank you reviewers and everyone who has put up with all my questions over
> the past 4 years. This is a big deal/day for me.
> This link specifies that developing with the "DID:object" Method will
> require several Microsoft programming tools: "Microsoft Visual Basic", the
> ".NET Core Framework", and "Microsoft Common Language Runtime".
> And that DID:object is a core part of the "Trusted Digital Web" which "is
> envisioned to be the next generation, decentralized, trusted replacement
> for the World Wide Web."
> And that creating DID:object was part of "a 4-year quest to create a
> platform to Tokenize Every Little Thing (ELT)".
> Wow..."replacement for the World Wide Web".
> Michael, perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but how can you describe
> this as a 'decentralized' system, if Microsoft tools are required to run
> it?
> Isn't it just as fair to say that you're appropriating the word "object"
> and ensuring that only people who pay Microsoft can use it as a DID Method?
> "Object" was such a nice word, too. When you first announced it, I was
> hopeful about being able to use "did:object"; because it does seem the most
> appropriate word for publishing all kinds of "digital objects". (Good catch
> there!)
> But alas, now I can't. Unless I go along with 'One ring to rule them
> all...and in the darkness bind them' (Tolkien).
> I'm not an expert in this, but I'm going to suggest that the next version
> of the DID Method Registry should disallow this use of "object" because
> it's centralized, that is, controlled by one corporation who can require
> payment or set other rules to develop with it.
> Then, maybe someone else can make another DID:object, one without a
> 'pay-to-play' component, register it, and the two DID:objects can then
> compete in the real (digital) world.
> Oh what fun. [sarcasm alert]
> Steven Rowat
> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 14, 2021 11:43:49 AM
> *To:* Brian Richter <> <>
> *Cc:* W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> The Trusted Digital Web platform is capable of supporting and processing
> any class of Fully Decentralized Object from identity through to any type
> of business document or personal credential through to any type of NFT
> (e.g. photo, calf or kiss, etc.). If you're fairly technical, I recommend
> watching https <>://
> <>J6n9TvxA93I <>
> <>. If you're less technical, watch https
> <>:// <>
> IuEew7rH5gw <>
> The following 2 videos also provide a lot of insight into the use of VCs
> (aka the Structured Credential model) on the Trusted Digital Web:
> - https <>://
> <>
> - https <>://
> <>kM30pd3w8qE <>
> did:object is, in fact, the ideal method namespace for the Fully
> Decentralized Object model as realized by the Trusted Digital Web.
> Thank you for the question Brian.
> Best regards,
> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web
> p.s. Here is a copy of the TDW ARM that illustrates the various VDRs
> supported by the Stratis Platform blockchain answer your question
> more directly Brian.
> Reference:
> [image: Image]
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Brian Richter <> <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 14, 2021 10:54:13 AM
> *To:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> <>
> *Cc:* W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> Hi Michael,
> Interesting work. Is there a reason you decided on the "object" method
> name? I don't see anything in here that makes this method any more "object"
> oriented than all other did methods as a did is essentially an object for
> all intents and purposes.
> The CRUD operations describe implementation details of how to interact
> with the method (I assume through a library you've also published) but it
> doesn't go into technical specifics that I could see.. I'm interested in
> knowing how the method works on a technical level. Is it as simple as these
> objects are written to the Stratis blockchain (which I have no experience
> with). Are the signatures handled by the blockchain?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 3:00 AM Michael Herman(TDW) <
>> wrote:
> Checkout
> The publication of this DID Method specification realizes, in large part,
> a 4-year quest (or should I say personal mission) to create a platform to
> Tokenize Every Little Thing (ELT).
> Best regard,
> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web

Received on Monday, 20 December 2021 17:52:58 UTC