[MINUTES] VC HTTP API Telecon for 2021-08-10

Thanks to Juan Caballero for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Verifiable Credentials HTTP API telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Verifiable Credentials HTTP API Telecon Minutes for 2021-08-10

  1. Intros
  2. VC HTTP API Renaming Poll
  3. Feature Scoping
  Manu Sporny
  Juan Caballero
  Mike Prorock, Manu Sporny, Bob Wyman, Markus Sabadello, Mike
  Varley, Andrew Hughes, David Chadwick, Mahmoud Alkhraishi, Brian
  Richter, Ted Thibodeau, Charles E. Lehner, Dmitri Zagidulin,
  Kaliya Young, Eric Schuh, Juan Caballero, Aaron Coburn, Joe
  Andrieu, Adrian Gropper, Brent Zundel, Orie Steele, Marty Reed,
  Andrew Rosen
  https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-08-10-vchttpapi /audio.ogg

Juan Caballero is scribing.

Topic: Intros

Andrew Hughes:  Getting back into the game and catch up on spec
  evolution in the meantime
Bob Wyman:  Been following the conversations for a long time,
  getting more directly/seriously involved now
<orie> 1969? are you a cobalt developer unicorn?
  ... writing code since 1969 (💪), worked on early email
  systems, sold hypertext to the guys at CERN... infrastructure for
  information flows central to democracy
<mprorock> *cobol  i assume orie?
/Me cobalt lol
Manu Sporny:  Glad to have you guys here, thanks

Topic: VC HTTP API Renaming Poll

<manu> Ideas for renaming:
Manu Sporny:  Poll based on email threads over many weeks
  ... using fancy polling software
<andrew_hughes> I think given Orie's text, we should call it the
  VC Cobalt Unicorn API now
Bob Wyman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobwyman/
Mike Prorock: +1 Cobalt Unicorn
  ... will be run 2 days from now, open for a week
  ... important to vote if you have skin in the game for this API
  specifically, even if not directly technical
  ... there is also a blog post explaining some of the ins and
  outs of weighted voting
Mike Prorock:  Clarifying question about "names you definitely
  don't want"-- that part was a tiny bit confusing
Joe Andrieu: https://www.opavote.com/en/vote/6226340995923968?p=1
Joe Andrieu:  Isn't the second list just the first in reverse?
Manu Sporny:  No, opavote has fancy options
Mike Prorock: Instructions: Use the buttons to add choices to the
  ballot, and then drag to arrange them in order of preference with
  your "most disliked" at the top to "moderately disliked" at the
<mprorock> second part of instructions note
Joe Andrieu:  But can't you just fill out the second list as the
  exact reverse of the first?
Manu Sporny:  Well, most people won't fill out all 17 in both
  lists... use the second list only for the ones you really DON'T
  want to see
Manu Sporny:  Polling algorithms are very complicated... opavote
  let's us change algorithm after the fact, in some cases the lists
  are mirror opposites, in other cases they're not, we're running
  two data collection runs in case we pick a tallying mechanism
  that doesn't produce mirror opposites just to be safe so we don't
  have to run it all over again.
(Scribe aside: +1 voting math is hard)

Topic: Feature Scoping

Manu Sporny:
<manu> Email that went out to mailing list about this ^^^
<manu> Attempt at summarizing current scope:

Manu Sporny:  Email will help focus scope questions, based on
  various inputs from the group: use cases to date, new diagrams,
  and resolutions over last few months
  ...screensharing now (spreadsheet from email above)
  ... note link column where more details specs or spec drafts
  ... expectation/hope is that discussion and resolutions can
  decide some of these open questions
Adrian Gropper:  External trust issues
  ... if holder application is external, is the request resulting
  from the presentation crossing an external boundary?
  ... secondly, are "client credentials" involved in accepting
  the presentation?
Joe Andrieu:  I'm still confused about the naming, mapping roles
  and software to the name of the API they use
Manu Sporny:  Issuer may have a verifier backend they use to
  check or parse a VP...
<dmitriz> I assumed what was meant by Issuer is - if the issuer
  is hosting a revocation list / bitmap
Joe Andrieu:  But in that case, it's not ACTING AS an issuer,
  which is exactly my point
  ... about roles and services
  ... being manu: does the changes i'm making on screenshare
  address that?
(Manu duplicates some rows to create distinctions based on client
  and server)
Mike Varley:  Issuer deliver credential to holder doesn't seem to
  be a row here?
  ... am I misreading or did I miss that being put out of scope
  by the group?
Manu Sporny:  I think you mean rows 9, 10 and/or 11 but i'm not
Joe Andrieu:  I doubt it
<tallted> is that Issuance? (first item)
Mike Prorock:  Want to clarify that some of these rows in out of
  scope divide labor with EDV spec
  ... which is REST-based and get some clarity on how CRUD works
  there and if this spec should be explicit about what CRUD ops are
  possible there
Manu Sporny:  That's a good point
  ... of these three scope questions, which would be easiest to
  ... for lack on input, i'll address mike prorock's concern
  ... EDV spec is a good reference for a neutral, open API for
  storing VCs, doing CRUD on them as objects over REST, etc
Mike Prorock:  GET, PUT, etc are defined there, and we are
  leaning more towards controller APIs here, so the REST stuff can
  happen there.... but let's be more explicit
  ... if we are putting it out of scope, we should point them
  there as a complementary spec for questions devs new to the space
  will naturally have upon reading this spec
(Manu live-edits the notes column to be more explanatory about
  the link column as complementary to this being out of scope here)
Joe Andrieu:  It's not clear to me if this a new issue or a
  non-issue, but what is this presentation service? is that new?
Manu Sporny:  We were talking about a Holder Service, and it was
  confusing people... note the actions taken in the columns from
  the holder services above... i tried this neologism to clarify
  two diff things we've been calling holder services
Joe Andrieu:  But aren't both beholden to the holder? Aren't
  these transports, not services in rows 9-10-11?
<orie> See the breakdown here: https://gnarly.or13.io/
Orie, q+ plz
<orie> Holder same trust domain vs Holder cross trust domain.
Orie Steele:  I think we should split up APIs that are
  internal-only from APIs that aren't-- i broke them up in my
  gnarly prototype/strawman
  ... and i think we should call them exchange, not a service
  ... because it obscures the boundary issues
<mike_varley> "Presentation Service" - is this not a Verifer
  Service? Or is there no obligation to 'verify' ?
<orie> I called them "Holder" and "Exchange"
<orie> in the proposal above
Joe Andrieu:  I'm down for exchange, or transport, just not
Adrian Gropper:  External clients necessarily entail client
  credentials, client censorship, client power relations...
  ... if the request is an API rather than a form after you
  authenticate, then the API is now external... that's my question
David Chadwick:  I'm going to repeat a comment i made 6 months
  ... i still don't really understand the architecture, could we
  just map the services?
Scribe aside: page 4 here is partial
David Chadwick:  To put it another way, scope might be easier to
  decide after clarifying architectural assumptions a bit
Mike Prorock: +1
Andrew Rosen:  I want to clarify something about Adrian's
  question: the subject of a credential isn't the only party that
  has to authenticate, and non-interactive presentations are in
  scope, yes?
Many: yes,
Manu Sporny:  Yes, andrew, thanks for clarifying
Manu Sporny:  Returning to adrian's question, I think that many
  of the rows in the Out-of-scope section are implicating directly
  in many of the use cases you have brought up; the cruise ship,
  for example, is mostly about EDV APIs, not the rows9-11
  (credential exchange) APIs
  ... guardianship and delegation can happen at the
  holder/access/authZ level, and is better supported there
<tallted> It seems to me that some of this might be made clearer
  by moving Action to come first.  It would also help to
  item-number these -- not in priority or action order, per se --
  just so we can say things like "API calls 1-7"
  ... rows 9-11 is where we get into more public-facing,
  client-credential-free APIs
  ... at least, that is one way of further specifying 9-11
Adrian Gropper:  The features out of scope I am not talking about
  here. What I don't understand is if there is an external request
Manu Sporny:  Yes, rows 9-11 are EXTERNAL APIs for pull-based or
  push-based VP flows (no authentication aside from DIDAuth, open
Adrian Gropper:  So someone brings a request for a VC or VP to
  those APIs?
Manu Sporny:  Row 9 is for initiating a  flow
Orie Steele:  The current endpoints in trace-vocab  describe a
  holder asking the verifier for a challenge and domain
  ... i.e., initiating a push-based flow with a verifier that
  knows you
Mike Prorock: +1 Orie, well stated
  ... what's confusing is that most use-cases we talk about is
  verifier-centric and pull-based, a verifier advertising an
  endpoint for holders to bring their credentials to (covid creds
  or discount coupons)
Ted Thibodeau:  I'm thinking this would be clearer just
  reordering the columns
Juan Caballero: +1
(Scribe aside^)
Orie Steele: +1 Ted
Ted Thibodeau:  I would also recommend we number/order these a
  little more deliberately
Joe Andrieu:  We've still not clarified the initiator of various
  flows, and Orie's explanation surprised me a bit
<orie> please read
Orie Steele:
  ... Orie's example seemed to describe a valid use case
  initiated differently than I was assuming
Orie Steele:
Manu Sporny:  I have to confess that 7&8 have confused me
  persistently, I look forward to clarifying them
Scribe aside: you are one of us use-case guys, Joe
Joe Andrieu:  Use case guys could really help clarify this
  ...whoever they may be
Adrian Gropper:  I'm still confused
  ... and I already explained what I'm confused about in email,
  which won't be resolved today
Orie Steele:  Returning to exchange APIs as machine-to-machine
  services, regulated and acting according to the kinds of patterns
  they tend to do
  ... in backend-backend data flows, which can be interactive or
  can be "fire and forget"/firehose-style
  ... two SERVICES that know each other and
  communicate/sync/replicate according to policies
  ... can use these APIs to do their thing; the push/pull thing
  maps to two major patterns in how backend-backend flows work
Mike Varley:  These ??? service rows (7-8-9 in explicit numbers,
  9-10-11 in excel row#s)
  ... seems to me an alternative to or equivalent to CHAPI
  "STORE" calls.  is that accurate?
<orie> its push because it starts with a network request from the
Manu Sporny:  Yes, CHAPI could be used for line 8 (implicit 10),
<joe_andrieu> isn't the "prover" the "holder", Orie?
<orie> the word holder is less helpful
<orie> both sides are going to be holders.
<joe_andrieu> perhaps, but it is the term in the VC spec
  ... this row could link to CHAPI if the group found it adequate
  to the use-cases, or specify/identify something else if not
<orie> the first guy is going to authenticate
<orie> as part of the VP.
<orie> hense push
  ... it's called "start/continue presentation workflow" because
  it can redirect to a new channel, and can even loop or iterate in
  generative ways
Orie Steele:  The endpoints and architectural assumptions here
  are informed by CHAPI precedent and VP Request spec
  ... but pull/push here refers to who initiates and when the
  challenge/domain happen
Mike Prorock: +1 Definitely right direction
  ... so when a CHAPI website gives a CHAPI wallet a challenge,
  and gets back a VP signing over that challenge, that's one of the
  two patterns here, it could be more general but doesn't preclude
  CHAPI being an adequate way of doing this
Scribe aside: this spreadsheet helps a lot, we use case guys will
  look at this with or without Joe
Mike Varley: +1 Right direction
<mprorock> this stuff is work in progress that will evolve over
  time, and this feels much more defined than we have had to date
Manu Sporny:  Use case guys, please email the list with an update
  or some proposals to clarify or iterate
Manu Sporny:  And that's a wrap

-- manu

Manu Sporny - https://www.linkedin.com/in/manusporny/
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 19:21:06 UTC