Dear community members (and leadership)
I'm resurrecting this thread because there was some interest in the
standardisation of the simple merkel tree of salted hashes approach to
selective redaction.
<<Christopher Allen said: There was an attempt to spec one here in the CCG
three-four years ago, but it died on the vine.>>
Manu also correctly pointed out (although I cant seem to find the message)
that it's all well and good to point at open source implementations - but
without an open standard it is much less likely that there will be
interoperable implementations. very good point manu.
There was another thread a while back about decentralised rendering (so
that the issuer can publish templates to help verifiers present VCs in a
human readable form). That's also something that the Singapore open
attestation tools do. And also something that attracted some interest in
this community. But also something that would attract the same criticism
about being published as an open standard.
Anyhow - to cut a long storey short, I believe there is now a strong
interest to actually document the selective redaction and decentralised
rendering methods as open standards. The obvious place to contribute that
work to seems to the W3C and this working group in particular.
Problem is I'm just a loiterer / eavesdropper on this list and I really
don't know how/where to start with proposing standards and offering initial
Does anyone have any advice?
On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 at 13:47, Christopher Allen <> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 7:22 PM Steve Capell <>
> wrote:
>> The Singapore government does this
>> already . Version 3 is W3C VC data model compliant
>> Each element is hashed (with salt I think) and then the hash of the
>> hashed is the document hash that is notarised
>> The main rationale is selective redaction (because the root hash is
>> unchanged when some clear text is hidden). But I suppose it simplifies
>> canonicalisation too...
> I’m a big fan of this approach, a form of redaction distinct from zk forms
> of selective disclosure.
> There was an attempt to spec one here in the CCG three-four years ago, but
> it died on the vine.
> I’d be interested is seeing this spec & implementation. Any links?
> — Christopher Allen [via iPhone]
Steve Capell