W3C CCG Work Item Process in spec text

Hi all,
The work item your chairs have been iterating on for several years is
"done". The new work item process document has been converted to spectext
and is available for your review.

There should be no substantive changes since the google doc version you
last reviewed, but there was *massive* cleanup during the conversion. This
is only because conversion to spec text exposes imprecise/inconsistent
language and other forms of sloppiness enabled by long documents. But if
you'd like to compare, here it is:

We didn't establish this in the beginning, but I propose we consider this
an "ongoing community draft", meaning it's not intended to transition to a
final report.

I'll reach out to W3C leadership to see if it's of interest to them, but
otherwise we can consider this a reference the chairs use to capture the
combination of W3C CG requirements + CCG tribal knowledge and conventions
that have developed over the years in managing this large and lively


*Kim Hamilton Duffy*

Senior Technology Architect

*MIT Open Learning | Digital Credentials Consortium*


Received on Saturday, 24 October 2020 00:37:04 UTC