Re: ditch voip/sip

On 5/28/20 10:53 AM, rhiaro wrote:
> Also I've had good success with hosted jitsi - which is open source, and
> can be self-hosted - with medium-sized groups. Their hosted version
> should support 35 people well (with video, I presume more with audio)
> and I think if you self-host it and set it up right it supports a lot
> more (I haven't tried this yet though). Jitsi also has screensharing,
> chat and hand-raising features. 

Agreed, was just thinking along the same lines. If folks want to move to
another platform, let's please not move to a proprietary solution (Zoom

Jitsi is open standards, open source, supports automatic transcription
via jigasi, and would (potentially) integrate more cleanly with existing
tooling. It would probably not cost much more than what we're doing
right now and DB would be willing to pick up that cost.

Here's the thing that's always stopped us -- someone has to commit to
setting this system up and running it for years (the current system has
been in place for over 6 years now).

I remember when AOL was going to be around forever and folks migrated to
their services entirely? Remember Google+, all that content, gone.
Accessibility and archival matter. What happens when fails, do
we still have all of our transcripts on infrastructure we have control of?

My fear is the community is going to go for the easiest choice and get
vendor locked in w/o considering the ramifications of what that means to
the archives and work output of this community.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Thursday, 28 May 2020 17:24:36 UTC