- From: Moses Ma <moses.ma@futurelabconsulting.com>
- Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 15:23:12 -0700
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
- Message-ID: <8142888b-57fe-2e1f-90fa-ce8adc3e848c@futurelabconsulting.com>
> /The compute necessary to do that calculation boggles the mind (but I// > //expect might work just fine if off-loaded to a decentralized system)./ These are exactly the kinds of problems that my optimization team loves. For example, one fellow on our team: /Dr. Fred Glover is the inventor of Quantum Bridge Analytics. Formerly, Distinguished Professor, Emeritus, at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He has authored more than 500 published articles and eight books in the fields of mathematical optimization and artificial intelligence, and is the recipient of the von Neumann Theory Prize, the highest honor of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. He pioneered the development and commercialization of specialized solutions for such network problem classes as shortest path, assignment, transportation, capacitated transshipment, generalized network and linear programming embedded networks problems. The breakthroughs from this work have been adopted by over fifty government agencies and Fortune 500 companies./ / //Fred developed the first efficient methods for solving networks with millions of variables. His work for the U.S. Treasury solved problems containing over 60,000,000 variables, to evaluate the fiscal impact of taxation, welfare and social security policy. The U.S. Army conducted an extensive study showing that these algorithms made it possible to solve optimally multi-criteria personnel assignment problems with 8,000 people and over a million eligible job assignments in less than 15 minutes. These algorithms have been used extensively by the Army Military Personnel Center in the reassignment of enlisted personnel./ It's important that we not avoid problems that boggle our minds, and seek to work with others who are smarter than we are. This is why I'm appealing to y'all, because you are smarter than I am on this DID stuff. We are definitely focusing on things like viruses surviving on plastic and metal surfaces for 2-3 days, and what it means for location-aware contract tracing. Moses On 3/29/20 2:53 PM, Brent Shambaugh wrote: > On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 10:20 AM Manu Sporny > <msporny@digitalbazaar.com <mailto:msporny@digitalbazaar.com>> wrote: > > On 3/28/20 7:15 AM, Ouri Poupko wrote: > > They do this iteratively for any overlapping sub-segments, until > they > > get an intersecting point (2m radius) between their true paths. > > This is a great conversation, demonstrating that a non-trivial > number of > people in the W3C CCG community have put a lot of thought into > this topic. > > I'm curious if folks have figured out how to address one of the > hardest > aspects of this problem -- that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on plastic and > metal surfaces for up to 2-3 days: > > https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2004973 > > Is it just a matter of seeing if you've entered the same cell as > someone > that was infected in the past 3 days (possibly touching a surface that > they touched)? > > > This reminds me of an article that I read a few weeks ago. Copper > apparently is anti-viral. It is also a good electrical conductor. :) > https://www.fastcompany.com/90476550/copper-kills-coronavirus-why-arent-our-surfaces-covered-in-it > > > The compute necessary to do that calculation boggles the mind (but I > expect might work just fine if off-loaded to a decentralized system). > > -- manu > > -- > Manu Sporny - https://www.linkedin.com/in/manusporny/ > Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. > blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches > https://tinyurl.com/veres-one-launches > -- *Moses Ma | Managing Partner* moses.ma@futurelabconsulting.com | moses@ngenven.com v+1.415.568.1068 | skype mosesma | /linktr.ee/moses.tao/ <http://linktr.ee/moses.tao> FutureLab provides strategy, ideation and technology for breakthrough innovation and third generation blockchains. Learn more at /www.futurelabconsulting.com/ <http://futurelabconsulting.com>. For calendar invites, please cc: mosesma@gmail.com Or whet your appetite by reading /Agile Innovation/ <http://www.amazon.com/Agile-Innovation-Revolutionary-Accelerate-Engagement/dp/B00SSRSZ9A> | /Quantum Design Sprint/ <https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Design-Sprint-Application-Disruptive/dp/1799143864> | my blog at /psychologytoday.com/ <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-tao-innovation>. NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: THIS E-MAIL IS MEANT FOR ONLY THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THE TRANSMISSION. IF YOU RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, ANY REVIEW, USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY OF THE ERROR BY RETURN E-MAIL AND PLEASE DELETE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. THIS EMAIL SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED BINDING; HARD COPY DOCUMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO CREATE LEGALLY BINDING COMMITMENTS. FOR CALENDAR INVITES, PLEASE CC: MOSESMA@GMAIL.COM
Received on Sunday, 29 March 2020 22:23:38 UTC