Re: Privacy-protecting contact tracer for COVID-19?


> On Mar 28, 2020 at 8:20 AM,  <Manu Sporny (>  wrote:
>  On 3/28/20 7:15 AM, Ouri Poupko wrote:  >  They do this iteratively for any overlapping sub-segments, until they  >  get an intersecting point (2m radius) between their true paths. This is a great conversation, demonstrating that a non-trivial number of people in the W3C CCG community have put a lot of thought into this topic. I'm curious if folks have figured out how to address one of the hardest aspects of this problem -- that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on plastic and metal surfaces for up to 2-3 days: Is it just a matter of seeing if you've entered the same cell as someone that was infected in the past 3 days (possibly touching a surface that they touched)?  

 Hi Manu, I believe that current apps are simply looking at a history of nearby devices,   not sure if they’re doing significant GPS data analysis too. Haven’t had time to look into the open source yet.   

>  The compute necessary to do that calculation boggles the mind (but I expect might work just fine if off-loaded to a decentralized system).  

I’m working with a team of computer scientist who focus on large scale optimization with tens of thousands of variables, who are also quantum computing experts, and they’re taking a look into this   issue.   In many ways, the privacy protection issue is harder to solve, and that’s why I suggested the problem to this group.

I also work with some virologists on a related problem, and just asked them to introduce me to a notable epidemiologist to help design this app.



>  -- Manu Sporny - Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches  


Moses Ma | FutureLab Consulting Inc |
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Received on Saturday, 28 March 2020 15:45:02 UTC