Re: Privacy-protecting contact tracer for COVID-19? [was Re: A Moment of Silence #Foremembrance Today at 19:06 CET, 2:06 pm EDT, 11:06 am PDT, and Saturday at 2:06am in Hong Kong & Taipei]


 Off the top of my head, my approach would be:

1) use Google Nearby library, so you can log EVERY contact that you are near, using WiFi, Bluetooth, and ultrasound audio (that’s how Nearby works) - fyi there is no Google phone home code in the library.
2) participating users are known by DIDs, that offer “managed contact avenues” for CDC to reach/alert them securely
3) non-participating phones could also be tracked by this system, which   offers something akin to herd immunity... if enough people have the app, everyone can be tracked even without everyone downloading the app (yes, this is data correlation) - I’m guessing 60% is the threshold
4) the   CDC   can   override by court order to allow analysis of data to track down   superspreaders (these people will kill many others, and the system uses a moral directive that saving lives is the primary goal, allowing unfettered access only for very special cases)
5) health status is negative, positive PCR, antibody detected with date of infection/recovery, and vaccinated; this app could be used to collect data for how long immunity lasts (guesstimated to be 2 years)
6) the antibody test clears people with immunity to join the   healthcare frontline to help the sick or rebuild the core societal    infrastructure; the test facility can issue a VC that verifies the antibody test and which type, and once the VC is in the phone, this person can be requested dynamically based on location and skill set to assist if needed nearby
7) I work with post offices, and I think we can safely integrate verifiable physical addresses, this could insure medicines are delivered to the right person
8) once the pandemic is over, this very intrusive data will be warehoused by WHO, allowing access only to epidemiologists for research

Whad’ya think?


PS, I did some consulting work for UNICEF re: a polio outbreak, so I learned a bit about viral epidemics.

Moses Ma | FutureLab Consulting Inc |
v  +1.415.952.7888 (tel:+1.415.952.7888)  | m  +1.415.568.1068 (tel:+1.415.568.1068)  | skype mosesma


> On Mar 27, 2020 at 11:37 PM,  <Melvin Carvalho (>  wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Mar 2020 at 04:38, David Booth  < (>  wrote:
> >  On 3/27/20 11:18 PM, Moses Ma wrote:
> >   >  How do y’all feel about Singapore’s TraceTogether?
> >   >  See:
> >   >
> >   >  Also:
> >   >
> >   >
> >   >  How would you design a fully decentralized contact tracer?
> >   
> >  Or, more broadly: how would you design a privacy-protecting contact
> >  tracer?    This is urgently needed.
> >   
> >  Potential variations: 1. The app notifies you if it determines that you
> >  may have been exposed to COVID-19, without saying how it made that
> >  determination.    2. The app notifies healthcare officials that you may
> >  have been exposed, without telling them how it made that determination.
> Off the top of my head:
> 1. Alice installs an app
> The app has access to Alice's social graph of contacts
> The app has access to Alice's which location Alice is at, at which time
> The app has access to Alice's health status
> If the health status changes (e.g. from negative to positive for Covid-19) all the contacts in the social graph who have been within that location in a 3 hour time period get a warning of differing threat level.   
> You would also have to model moving locations such a metro.   
> 2. Optionally, health care agents / delegates can be part of the social graph, and relay information to a pooled response system, or larger social graph
> This approach uses information hiding via trusted third parties.
> A more complex version could use (I suspect) cryptographic blinding t achieve a similar effect.    Something a bit like the dining cryptographers problem [1]
> [1]
> >   
> >  Ideas?
> >   
> >  David Booth
> >   
> >   >
> >   >  Moses
> >   >
> >   >
> >   >  -
> >   >  *Moses Ma | FutureLab Consulting Inc*
> >   > (  | (
> >   >  v +1.415.952.7888  <tel:+1.415.952.7888>  | m +1.415.568.1068
> >   >   <tel:+1.415.568.1068>  | skype mosesma
> >   >
> >   >
> >   >
> >   >>  On Mar 27, 2020 at 9:44 AM,  <Ian Smith  <>>  wrote:
> >   >>
> >   >>  proposing anti covid-19 protests to avoid saving lives is part of the
> >   >>  ethos here? I wasn't aware that preventing the countermeasure to
> >   >>  pandemic response was what this group was about
> >   >>
> >   >>  On Fri, Mar 27, 2020, 6:10 AM Manu Sporny  < (
> >   >>   <>>  wrote:
> >   >>
> >   >>           On 3/27/20 8:41 AM, Daniel Hardman wrote:
> >   >>           >  I will try to join you. Thank you for suggesting it.
> >   >>
> >   >>           I can't join, but thank you for the message and I'll observe the
> >   >>           moment
> >   >>           of silence, Christopher.
> >   >>
> >   >>           Visiting the memorial in person with people from this group was moving
> >   >>           and a reminder that we need to keep these painful lessons from the
> >   >>           past
> >   >>           in mind as we build out these systems.
> >   >>
> >   >>           >  @Ian: I share your frustration with the surveillance economy,
> >   >>           but feel
> >   >>           >  that your comment steps away from the ethos of our group.
> >   >>
> >   >>           I'd like to underscore Daniel's comment. Many of us are in this group
> >   >>           because we share in the frustration with the current surveillance
> >   >>           economy. That said, the frustration is no excuse to tear down what
> >   >>           others in the community are building. Your criticism was not
> >   >>           constructive, please refrain from doing that again.
> >   >>
> >   >>           We need to focus on helping each other build the world that we want to
> >   >>           see realized.
> >   >>
> >   >>           -- manu
> >   >>
> >   >>           --
> >   >>           Manu Sporny -
> >   >>           Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> >   >>           blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches
> >   >> 
> >   >>
> >   

Received on Saturday, 28 March 2020 07:31:22 UTC