Re: A Moment of Silence #Foremembrance Today at 19:06 CET, 2:06 pm EDT, 11:06 am PDT, and Saturday at 2:06am in Hong Kong & Taipei

I will try to join you. Thank you for suggesting it.

@Ian: I share your frustration with the surveillance economy, but feel that
your comment steps away from the ethos of our group.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 2:44 AM Ian Smith <> wrote:

> it was always the illusion of privacy. Stop using Microsoft.
> How many extra people do you plan to kill for your completely uninformed
> and irrelevant protest? Go screw with Bezos for his facial recognition
> combined with Alexa voiceprint analysis, or Microsoft owning every piece of
> intellectual property that hits their servers, combined with automatic
> updates you cant turn off which installs 'games' designed to watch
> everything you do.
> I saw a job offering at Comcast where they were hiring ai and data
> scientist to mine their several million data points they collect on each
> viewer daily, cross referenced to their buying habits.
> Go screw with the profiteering corporations.
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020, 1:28 AM Christopher Allen <
>> wrote:
>> Wherever you are in the world today, I hope that will join me in a moment
>> of silence today (Friday) at 19:06 CET (sunset in Amsterdam 2:06 pm EDT,
>> 11:06 am PDT, and Saturday at 2:06 am in Hong Kong & Taipei) as a
>> #Foremembrance to salute those who in the risked their lives or died to
>> prevent centralized data and identity records from being used against those
>> who are defenseless, and to #Foremember those on the front lines today in
>> defending them in places like Xinjiang, Burma, Hong Kong, Turkey, and even
>> immigrants in my own United States.
>> Today is the 77th Anniversary of the attempt by The Resistance to bomb
>> the Dutch Civil Archives. Centralized data in the hands of the Nazis
>> resulted in 75% of Dutch Jews dying! France only 23%. Twelve men were
>> executed for attempting this bombing in WWII.
>> Why did so many Jews, gays & other Nazi undesirables die from the
>> Netherlands? Because the Dutch Civil Service was one of the best in the
>> world, serving its citizens well during the Great Depression. But 75% of
>> its Jews died later due to this efficiency.
>> But why is this relevant today? Governments are taking legitimate
>> emergency measures to track & manage #COVID19. One of the best tools is the
>> GPS in our cell phones and tracking in cell towers. We need to balance
>> these kinds of legitimate public needs vs. risks of loss of human rights in
>> the future. The risks of a future McCarthy or worse is too great. We can
>> solve these #LocationPrivacy problems!
>> I will be holding my moment of silence in a live virtual meeting at
>> and
>> I will be sharing these slides
>> as well holding a discussion after.
>> But if you can't join us, stop what you are doing for 1 minute and
>> remember the lessons of the past and help those today remember these
>> lessons forward.
>> Thank you.
>> — Christopher Allen

Received on Friday, 27 March 2020 12:41:55 UTC