ZKP critique and rebuttal

Rachel Arnold and Dave Longley of Digital Bazaar published a critique of
ZKP-oriented credentials in the issue of *IEEE Communications Standards*
magazine that was just released in the past day or so. Very courteously,
Dave and Manu gave me a heads up about the article. We had some
back-and-forth about it in August. I have since written a rebuttal. I am
happy that this conversation is now documented for your careful evaluation.
I suggest that if you read either of these articles, you should read the
other as well.

The Arnold Longley article is here:
https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOMSTD.001.1900027. Unfortunately, it is behind a
paywall -- but hopefully the CCG has many IEEE members or inexpensive
copies will become available.

The rebuttal is here:

Neither piece is light reading. You might start with both abstracts. :-)


Received on Thursday, 12 March 2020 03:16:33 UTC