Call for Objections: Archival of CCG DID Method Registry

TLDR: The chairs have decided to archive the CCG-hosted DID Method Registry at because it has been moved to Without a sustained objection, we will proceed to archive the GitHub repository two Tuesdays from now after the scheduled weekly CCG meeting, on July 7th.

The DID Method Registry was started at the CCG and contains a list of DID methods known to the community, added by community members. The DID Working Group has now taken on this work, and you can now find the DID method list here:

This archival action was initiated by this CCG issue:

There is now an issue in the DID WG to ensure the repository history is migrated as well:

For more history on this item, please see Manu's summary from the June 16th meeting:

- There now exist further defined contribution guidelines:
- There are now additional interoperability criteria for DID methods:

If you have any feedback, please reply to the list with a summary of your issue. Indicate if it is an OBJECTION, which if sustained would halt this action and potentially begin Special Topic Call(s) on this action, or a CONCERN, which would not affect this action but only serve inform the community about important considerations related to this action.

- Wayne

Received on Saturday, 27 June 2020 03:19:15 UTC