Re: Wallet Portability

On 6/25/20 12:43 PM, Orie Steele wrote:
> That's the motivation and the intention (you got it).
> We want to be able to move wallet content, and we want to know which
> parts of that content are usable before and after the content has been
> moved.
> The challenge is that we can't say __how__ a feature is implemented, but
> we still want to know __if__ it is supported.
> Our first stab at a solution to this problem, was to describe the
> interfaces as a set of abstract functions which operate on the data
> model, and yield data model objects and side effects.
> We think that's sufficient, and we have tests to show that it works for
> ethereum transfers and credential issuance... 
> We're working towards testability regarding multiple credential formats,
> for example JWT, LD Proofs and ZKPs... We think if we can show that we
> have modeled functionality support in a way that works for these, that's
> an indication that the general approach works.
> We also think it's helpful to have a list of wallet features, which have
> descriptions which exist in one place... and which explain how those
> features related to other standards... but just to be clear, we don't
> see describing how those features are implemented as in scope.

Just a thought -- being able to list supported features in a Web app
manifest for Web-based wallets could be quite useful, especially to
users that are "just in time" installing a wallet via a CHAPI interaction.

> OS
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 9:02 AM Manu Sporny <
> <>> wrote:
>     On 6/25/20 9:50 AM, Orie Steele wrote:
>     > This is especially important when we consider wallets that support 3
>     > credential formats and 10 currency / token types... Before you even
>     > move, you might want to check that you can transfer funds after
>     you move.
>     Yes, agreed. This highlights that there are at least two questions
>     related to wallet portability:
>     1. Can I migrate wallet providers without loss of data?
>     2. Can I migrate wallet providers without loss of
>        functionality?
>     I believe what you're saying is that EDVs will enable us to answer #1
>     above with a definite "yes".
>     The Universal Wallet 2020 work will enable us to answer #2 above with a
>     definite yes/not for every standardized wallet feature.
>     Did I understanding you correctly?
>     -- manu
>     -- 
>     Manu Sporny -
>     Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>     blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches
> -- 
> Chief Technical Officer
> <>

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2020 17:56:41 UTC