Re: New Work Item Proposal: Universal Wallet 2020

I know that I'm interested less in focusing on a reference implementation
as the first item for a group to focus on. I don't think we understand the
problem well enough for a "universal" wallet architecture.

Joe Andrieu and I took a stab at this last year before #RWOT9 in Prague as
a topic paper, and feel like we just touched the surface. Take a look at
the topic paper:

In particular, take a look at the diagram:

We also identified in that paper 10+ missing areas that we didn't even
begin to break into pieces to put into the picture above. And I also feel
it is essential we also look at the issues of currency in wallets, as
clearly users expect to put credentials and money in the same wallets
(think not just your pocket wallet, but also Apple Wallet and Google

I personally would like to see the community get together to better name
these different parts, or even better, name the connections between the
parts. Right now the three major platforms, much less small players like
BTCR, don't have any agreement on the naming conventions for the parts,
much less ready for a universal architecture.

I'd hoped that at either RWOT9 or RWOT10 that we'd make some progress on
this, but clearly it will likely be a while before we get have another RWOT
to word together F2F, so figuring out how to do it virtually I think would
be a useful work item.

— Christopher Allen

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2020 02:05:30 UTC