Re: New Work Item Proposal: Universal Wallet 2020

Given that work at DIF requires parties that are already part of the W3C and this CCG to sign *more* IP documents and join *more* organizations...I would strongly prefer that any such work take place under the W3C CCG auspices, git repos, etc.


On 6/24/20, 4:26 PM, "Manu Sporny" <> wrote:

    On 6/24/20 3:31 PM, Orie Steele wrote:
    > We're looking for additional organizations to co-edit / sponsor the
    > development of the specification in the W3C CCG.

    Digital Bazaar is supportive of this specification and hosting it in the
    W3C CCG.

    We have no strong opinion on hosting an implementation at DIF as long as
    doing so wouldn't create IPR issues that would restrict anyone from
    contributing to the work. We continue to be skeptical of calling it a
    "reference implementation".

    While we do not have the spare cycles to be a co-editor on the
    specification, we do expect to be heavily involved in discussion related
    to the specification as we expect that the outcome will have a direct
    impact on our product offerings.

    Finally, thank you to Orie, Margo, and Guillaume from Transmute for
    putting this together and kicking off the work. It's a critical piece
    that the industry will need in order to interoperate at the application

    -- manu

    Manu Sporny -;;sdata=TCgkRGhUShQsn35%2FkH1KoQBZM4sHY8PwQr1SqZrX9yE%3D&amp;reserved=0

    Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
    blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches;;sdata=qQSHqUjr8nP33nhsR5O7752dG5E2KP0Cc1jKzTaMuME%3D&amp;reserved=0

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 22:23:09 UTC