Re: New Work Item Proposal: Universal Wallet 2020

I've been thinking about how the wallet interface might work, and it 
occurred to me that we could use output descriptors as a starting point: These 
descriptors form a simple query language which could be extended to 
support other wallets and wallet types (possibly) and is currently being 
adopted by the bitcoin-core wallet.

I've created and issue here: to 
discuss further.



On 6/24/20 2:31 PM, Orie Steele wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm writing this list to propose a new W3C CCG Work Item 
> "universal-wallet-2020":
> Repo:
> Spec:
> The proposed specification will define a data model and 
> abstract interfaces for digital wallets that store currency, 
> credentials, key material or references to key material, meta data, 
> and cards... The goal being to help unify DIDs, VCs,  and 
> cryptocurrency wallet data models, by defining missing vocabulary or 
> defining relationships between existing vocabulary, reusing existing 
> specifications as much as possible without modification.... Including 
> DIDs, DID Key, VCs, VC HTTP APIs, WebKMS, VP Request Spec, 
> Presentation Exchange, etc...
> We're not proposing anyone change any of their existing wallets. We're 
> proposing a specification describing a way for them to import and 
> export wallet contents according to a data model, and to disclose 
> support for a set of abstract interfaces, as a way of enabling users 
> to tell what features a given wallet supports (currency, identity, 
> and/or credentials). We cannot move, what we don't understand, or that 
> has no common portability format.
> We've presented this work to the CCG, DIF and Aries WG, and gotten 
> positive feedback, but also some concern about scope / informative vs 
> normative statements for interfaces. We're also tracking 
> compatibility with Indy Wallets and Secure Data Stores... and we're 
> working to understand how to represent data structures like 
> connections or indy credential schemas in ways that support 
> portability and interoperability.
> We'd like to continue this discussion and modify the spec in the W3C 
> CCG with participation from the community.
> We'd like to move the current reference implementation to the DIF at 
> the same time, but we're open to keeping them co-located if thats 
> desired, we want to be sensitive to companies that cannot (or don't 
> desire to) commit to the reference implementation but wish to develop 
> the spec.
> Happy to answer any questions!
> We're looking for additional organizations to co-edit / sponsor the 
> development of the specification in the W3C CCG.
> Regards,
> OS
> -- 
> Chief Technical Officer
> <>

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2020 13:20:56 UTC