Re: Request to Migrate DID Method registry management to W3C DID WG

On 6/16/20 11:00 AM, Dan Bolser wrote:
> Although as of yet I have done zero work, I was still thinking about
> building an editable database of methods at some point. Does this
> proposed move rule that out?

No, it doesn't rule that out.

Case in point is the way ReSpec tracks and cites bibliographic entries.
You'll note that every W3C specification has a references section.
Here's the one for the DID specification:

That list of references is dynamically generated, when you load the
specification (as in, when you looked at the page above, the references
started out empty and were built and displayed in realtime).

That bibliography database comes from the "specref" database, which is a
community run thing:

Live link here:

There is nothing stopping anyone from generating something similar for
DID Methods. There is also nothing stopping anyone from creating some
code that makes it easy to filter/sort the list of DID Methods in
real-time in the document.

The database has questionable ROI -- why is it better than just a Github
PR? The DID Method sorting code, however, has clear ROI. Being able to
see the provisional DID Methods or the ones that have a test suite or
claim to be in production would be helpful.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 21:45:55 UTC