Re: did:key questions (was: DHS SVIP Blockchain/DLT/SSI Cohort - Multi-Product Phase 1 Interop Artifacts/ Scaffolding / Information)

On 6/12/20 8:28 AM, Dan Bolser wrote:
> Just reading this:
> Which looks nice, but I don't understand how resolution from DID to DID
> doc happens.
>     The creation of a DID Document is also performed by taking the
>     public key value and expanding it into DID Document

Hi Dan, I'm one of the Editors for that specification. I'm going to
attempt to answer your questions below:

> Ah... is the DID doc just a version of the key in a different format?

Yes, more or less. The DID Document is deterministically generated from
the DID. The goal of did:key is to be THE simplest and easiest to
implement DID Method.

> e.g. no other fields except those directly derived from the key are allowed?


> Sorry if that's obvious (sorry if this is a dumb question).

No dumb questions... and this is a very good question and gets to the
heart of what did:key is about.

> In this sense it's essentially a 'mock' or 'placeholder' DID document?

I wouldn't say it's a 'mock' or 'placeholder' DID document. It is a
bonafide DID Document that can be used in production systems that don't
require key rotation. For example, very useful in test environments and
systems that use short lived DIDs (throw-away pairwise relationships, etc.).

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Friday, 12 June 2020 13:08:45 UTC