[MINUTES] W3C CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2020-06-29 12pm ET

Thanks to Jim Goodell for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Telecon Minutes for 2020-06-29

  1. Introductions & Reintroductions
  2. US Dept of Education Blockchain in Education Report
  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Wayne Chang and Heather Vescent
  Jim Goodell
  Jim Goodell, James Chartrand, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Simone Ravaoli, 
  Stuart Freeman, Lluís Alfons Ariño, Jim Kelly, J. Philipp 
  Schmidt, Laura Jaurequi, Kerri Lemoie, Chris Winczewski, Andy 
  Thomas, Adam Lemmon, Mary Strain, David Ward, Ganesh Annan, 
  Joshua Marks, Victoria Feng, Loïc Jeannin, Juan Caballero, 
  Christopher Allen, Dmitri Zagidulin, Karen O'Donoghue, Matt 
  Lisle, Taylor Kendall, Tzviya Siegman, Wayne Vaughn

Jim Goodell: @Kimhd - I will scribe today
Jim Goodell is scribing.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://www.w3.org/accounts/request
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions

Mary Strain Highland Credentials - supporting HE verifiable 
Andy Miller IMS Global - supporting CLR & Open Badges, etc.
Jim Kelly - Formerly ECE, currently ind. consultant and chair of 
  PESC board, was tech advisor on ILE (now LER) Wrapper spec
Victoria - competency-based digital credentials, help 
  international applicants to reduce process time
Kerri Lemoie will talk about recent US ED report

Topic: US Dept of Education Blockchain in Education Report

Kerri Lemoie:  Project part of phase 1 of Ed Blockchain project
Kerri Lemoie:  What is going in in the ecosystem to inform a 
  challenge, to be launched soon
Kerri Lemoie:  40 Entities/experts interviews, lit review, online 
Kerri Lemoie:  Findings - 70 active initiatives, many in pilot 
  stages, many academic and digital credentials, blockcerts
Joshua Marks: I was supposed to scribe today, but got waylaid. 
  WHo is scribing?
Kerri Lemoie:  Newer efforts using hyper-ledger, portfolios, CVs, 
  prof. evaluations, identity protection, etc.
Kerri Lemoie:  This is a top priority - many understand this is 
  important, and 2nd big theme was life-long-learning
Kerri Lemoie:  3Rd theme - connecting ecosystems
Kerri Lemoie:  Many credentials not being used, need more success 
  in leveraging power of connected ecosystems
Kerri Lemoie:  Underuse of digital credentials...lot of issuing, 
  not use
Kerri Lemoie:  Questions remain - what does it mean to control?
Kerri Lemoie:  Digital divide - 29% dont't have smart phones, 46% 
  don't have computers...need to consider who can't access digital 
Kerri Lemoie:  Can we find ways to pilot with groups that don't 
  currently have access
Kerri Lemoie:  Standards still in development...good we are 
  workingnn together to move forward.
Kerri Lemoie:  Privacy by design
Kerri Lemoie:  More adoption in higher ed than in K12 (some 
  transcript uses in high schools)... Question is what value this 
  brings beyond the status quo
Victoria Feng:  How long will it take for usage to take off?
Kerri Lemoie:  Open Badges has been in existence over a decade 
  and is still underutilized... pilots for a couple more years, 
  then not sure
Kerri Lemoie: Directory of efforts: 
J. Philipp Schmidt:  Asking about tension between centralized 
  platform business models vs. decentralized models and 
J. Philipp Schmidt: Thank you!
Kerri Lemoie:  Business models not yet fully considered for 
  decentralized...pilots often in private networks
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  What problems do solutions solve... 
  interesting that many pilots are in private networks... What was 
  your read on nuance behind "why" using blockchain?
Loïc Jeannin: I'd like to ask a question, what is the process ? 
Kerri Lemoie:  I think many are looking at centralized models, 
  considering characteristics of blockchain that are useful (e.g. 
  verification), but not enough use cases ....then can consider how
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Recommendation from report: focus on 
Kerri Lemoie:  Other main use case is to encourage use of 
Kerri Lemoie:  Greenlight is  a private network that is working 
  well because it improves processes for students, e.g to apply for 
Kerri Lemoie:  In Open Badges we said "It's not about the badge" 
  , about how it is used
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Q about Dalas Comm. College and Greenlight
Kerri Lemoie:  Joe May (sp?) started with seeing challenges for 
  students to apply for multiple colleges
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Interesting to see use case around student 

Received on Friday, 3 July 2020 01:41:44 UTC