Lightning Service Authentication Tokens (LSATs)

Hello CCG Mailing List,

As a quick introduction, I was introduced to the list via Christopher Allen who I've been chatting with recently regarding work around authentication with Lightning (Bitcoin's Layer 2 payment network) payments, macaroons, and the 402 HTTP status code. Specifically, with the support of Tierion, I've been implementing a JS version of the Lightning Service Authentication Token (LSAT) proposal shared by Lightning Labs last Fall. Christopher thought this would be of interest to the work you all are doing and invited me to share some of this work in a call next week. 

To provide some context before then, here are some relevant links:

Blog Post:

Slides: These will be updated before next week's call, including with some more information on some of the mechanics of how Lightning payments work for those that aren't familiar, but it should be enough to help get started!

Boltwall: (Nodejs server middleware for using LSAT auth)

LSAT-JS: JavaScript implementation of the LSAT proposal from lightning labs. Includes helper functions and utilities for interacting with LSATs

LSAT Playground: UI Playground for interacting with, testing, parsing, and creating LSATs:

- Buck

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Received on Thursday, 20 February 2020 21:50:29 UTC