Re: Privacy-protecting contact tracer for COVID-19? [was Re: A Moment of Silence #Foremembrance Today at 19:06 CET, 2:06 pm EDT, 11:06 am PDT, and Saturday at 2:06am in Hong Kong & Taipei]

El mié, 01-04-2020 a las 15:10 -0700, Moses Ma escribió:
> I'll be able to say more about our approach, that will leverage VCs and
> maybe DIDs, soon... but we're getting traction with one state and one
> country's MOH. Things moving quickly!

Moses, I was proposing something along those lines just this morning. I'd
hate to duplicate efforts now that time is so critical.

Victoriano Giralt                             Innovation Director
Digital Transformation Vicerectorate          University of Malaga
+34952131415                                  SPAIN
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A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure ?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email ?

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2020 22:26:39 UTC