Re: Identity Patterns Catalog

Yes, the ZeroMQ Handbook is elegant and almost subversive. I really enjoyed
reading it - but it was the flow diagrams that really helped me understand
it. A true masterpiece.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 6:46 PM Bill Barnhill <>

> The ZeroMQ team documents how to use the ZeroMQ messaging protocol for
> different use cases by documenting very well defined patterns within a
> pattern catalog, each pattern grouped into low level patterns and
> advanced patterns built by combining low level patterns.
> I've seen some of that in the identity space, but I haven't seen a
> unified pattern catalog for identity patterns. A catalog like this
> might clarify the use case differences between agents and hubs, or the
> different ways we envision seeing DIDs used.   External feedback can
> be incorporated into new patterns.  Essentially what I am thinking of
> is in the style of the Portland Pattern Repository, for identity
> patterns.

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2019 17:01:04 UTC