- From: Michael Herman (Parallelspace) <mwherman@parallelspace.net>
- Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 02:44:11 +0000
- To: Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BYAPR13MB2837E58FE75DE6C5113E8E98C3560@BYAPR13MB2837.namprd13.prod.outlook.com>
A number of people have been asking me for clarification wrt the differences between the following 2 DID grammar specification efforts: * Hyperonomy Universal Decentralized Identifier URI specification (did-uri-spec) * W3C Decentralized Identifiers specification (did-spec) The webcast below (the 4th in the series and the last - at least for the next few weeks) provides a detailed comparison & relative positioning of these two efforts and how they work great together: Decentralized Identifier URI Specification (did-uri-spec): “DID ABNF” Comparison & Coexistence v0.22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_TOZ7YvYXg&list=PLU-rWqHm5p45c9jFftlYcr4XIWcZb0yCv&index=3 [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h_TOZ7YvYXg/maxresdefault.jpg]<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_TOZ7YvYXg&list=PLU-rWqHm5p45c9jFftlYcr4XIWcZb0yCv&index=3> Decentralized Identifier URI Specification (did-uri-spec): “DID ABNF” Comparison & Coexistence v0.22 - YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_TOZ7YvYXg&list=PLU-rWqHm5p45c9jFftlYcr4XIWcZb0yCv&index=3> Hyperonomy Universal Decentralized Identifier URI Specification (did-uri-spec): “DID ABNF” Comparison and Coexistence v0.22 Purpose The purpose of this presentation is: - Compare and contrast ... www.youtube.com Best regards, Michael Herman (Toronto/Calgary/Seattle) Independent Blockchain Developer Hyperonomy Business Blockchain / Parallelspace Corporation W: http://hyperonomy.com<http://hyperonomy.com/> C: +1 416 524-7702 ________________________________ From: Michael Herman (Parallelspace) <mwherman@parallelspace.net> Sent: March 29, 2019 9:11 PM To: public-credentials (public-credentials@w3.org) Subject: Creating C.U.T.E. Domain-Specific DID Grammars (DSDG) and Parsers As part of the did-url-spec specification work described in this original webcast… Hyperonomy Universal Decentralized Identifier URI Specification (did-uri-spec) Webcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-rWqHm5p45c9jFftlYcr4XIWcZb0yCv PPT: https://github.com/mwherman2000/did-uri-spec/tree/master/src FAQ: https://github.com/mwherman2000/did-uri-spec/blob/master/FAQ.md …(which emphasized the different application areas or domains that use DID and how they can be supported with the did-url-spec grammar), an interesting extension of the did-url-spec specification is the ability to easily customize the generic/baseline did-url-spec grammar to support Domain-specific DID Grammars (DSDGs). Here’s a short webcast (16 minutes) that describes this capability: Creating C.U.T.E. Domain-Specific DID Grammars (DSDG) and Parsers v0.3 Webcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdLm2jHuADg&list=PLU-rWqHm5p45c9jFftlYcr4XIWcZb0yCv&index=3&t=0s PPT: https://github.com/mwherman2000/did-uri-spec/tree/master/src If you have an idea for DID application domain (in addition to DID Documents), I’ve love to hear from you and help you understand how the did-url-spec specification and grammar can help you and your project. Best regards, Michael Herman (Toronto/Calgary/Seattle) Independent Blockchain Developer Hyperonomy Business Blockchain / Parallelspace Corporation W: http://hyperonomy.com<http://hyperonomy.com/> C: +1 416 524-7702
Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2019 02:44:40 UTC