[AGENDA] W3C Credentials CG Call Tue, February 13, 12 noon ET

*TL;DR: Object Capabilities*


*Tuesday, February 13th, 2018*

Time: 12pm Boston, 9am Pacific, 16:00 GMT

Text Chat: _*http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg*_


Voice: See updated instructions: _https://github.com/w3c-ccg/w3c-ccg.github.io/blob/master/connecting.md_          *sip:ccg@*

          *tel:540-961-4469;6306* (extension 6306)

Duration: 60 minutes

Scribes: _https://goo.gl/WVHuDh_

Minutes from last call: _https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2018-02-06/_

 1. *Connections Check & Scribe Selection* (4 minutes, _

 2. *Agenda Review* (2 minutes)

 3. *Introductions & Reintroductions* (4 minutes) (see scribe doc for
    reintroduce column)

 4. *Announcements* (2 minutes)

    1. W3C-CCG Related Events:

     * Implementers Stand-Up POST DID RECONCILIATION DRAFT (est Feb 19)

     * #RebootingWebOfTrust March 6-9 in Santa Barbara _

       * First Non-Annual RWoT Disc Golf Tournament Monday March 5

     * IIW #26: April 3-5 _

     * Post-IIW Verifiable Claims F2F: April 5th-6th (details TBA0

 5. *Progress on Current Action Items* (5 minutes - Speak Up)

    1. W3C-CCG to complete reconciliation of #RebootingWebOfTrust &
       Hardening changes (All, due end of January _
       https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec/pull/41_) *COMPLETE*

    2. Complete update to Veres One DID Method spec (Manu, due February)

    3. Chairs to add potential works items section to main W3C-CCG page
       (educational, object capabilities, etc.) (Kim)

    4. Add updated Credentials Community Group 2018 WBS graphic onto
       landing page (Kim)

    5. Sending out additional details about RWoT in Santa Barbara (Joe)

    6. Add Data Verification to WBS (_https://github.com/w3c-dvcg_)

     * Add link to WBS on home page (Kim)

    7. Spec-text version of Registries Process (Manu from _

    8. Chairs to assign Joe as owner of CCG process

    9. Chairs to assign Manu as Registry Process owner

   10. Chairs to create VC examples repo

   11. Ryan Grant to submit Pull Request to update bad links

 6. *Status of Work Items* (5 minutes, pick 2)

    1. DID & Method Specs (Manu Sporny)

     * Engagement Model (Joe Andrieu)

     * Lifecycle Model (David Chadwick)

     * Verifiable Claims Browser API and Browser Polyfill (Dave Longley)

     * Data Minimization & Selective Disclosure (Lionel Wolberger)

     * Registries Process (Manu) draft at _

     * DID Method Registry _http://bit.ly/2AHJ1KG_

     * Linked Data Key Types Registry _http://bit.ly/2jfhpZs_

     * Credential Status Method Registry _

 7. *Object Capabilities (33 minutes)*

    1. _

 8. New Action Items (5 min)
— W3C-CCG Co-Chairs: Christopher Allen, Joe Andrieu & Kim Hamilton

Joe Andrieu, PMP


  1. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2017Dec/0020.html
  2. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2017Dec/0020.html

Received on Monday, 12 February 2018 17:08:34 UTC