- From: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018 13:15:02 -0400
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
On 08/02/2018 10:37 PM, Kim Hamilton Duffy wrote: > Bad news folks. The audio did not survive. I've been able to recover the audio from the telecon bridge... audio now available. Although, looks like the scribe wasn't set properly and JoeA's name has been replaced with Joe Kaplan. May need to regenerate the minutes. Here's what happened: Someone dialed in after the call and then hungup, but their SIP client didn't terminate the connection until our system booted them after two hours of inactivity. The audio archival script downloads the largest audio file from the day, which was the two hours of silence one... not the correct one hour on. In any case, fixed. -- manu -- Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny) Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches https://tinyurl.com/veres-one-launches
Received on Saturday, 4 August 2018 17:15:32 UTC