Re: Verifiable Claims expiration

I tend to design standards "defensively" rather than "logically", ie, I 
assume that mere mortals and not coding geniuses will use the system 
incorrectly, and these incorrect usages should not accumulate into 
unexpected consequences. Assuming the default for not entering an 
expiration date is infinity could lead to lots of entries that should 
actually be forced to have a default TTL.Therefore, I believe that one 
year is a better default than never expire, and that never expire should 
be an explicit request.

Also, I like the idea of a time to live, so we can more easily expire or 
renew VCs and do a sort of garbage collection every so often, so the 
system doesn't get bloated.


On 9/17/17 12:02 PM, Joe Andrieu wrote:
> If you force an expiry date, issuers who don't want one will use an 
> arbitrary future date, e.g., 9999/12/31. The largest such number that 
> fits the typical inspector-verify test suite will rapidly become the 
> de facto setting for "no expiration".
> Trying to force policy into the data model just wastes bytes.
> -j
> On Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 11:55 PM, David Chadwick wrote:
>> And from a security perspective this is flawed, since no cryptography
>> will last for ever
>> On 17/09/2017 01:07, Manu Sporny wrote:
>>     On 09/16/2017 03:34 PM, Adam Sobieski wrote:
>>         I thought that omission of the expires property
>>         ( results in an
>>         open-ended or non-expiring claim or statement.
>>     This is correct.
>>     We'll want to correct the spec text if it doesn't already say this.
>>     -- manu
> --
> Joe Andrieu, PMP
> <>
> +1(805)705-8651


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Received on Sunday, 17 September 2017 19:18:43 UTC