Re: DID Spec Hardening Proposal V3

On 22 November 2017 at 09:53, =Drummond Reed <>

> For those W3C Credentials Community Group members who are not taking
> the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off and would like to attend tomorrow's
> special DID Spec Closure Call #1, here is the updated DID Spec Hardening
> Proposal
> <>
> (called V3 because the proposers have iterated it twice based on the
> feedback received from the first proposal).
> Reviewing this and contrasting it with the current Working Draft
> (Decentralized Identifiers V0.7) will be the main topic of tomorrow's call
> (10AM Pacific Time/1PM Eastern Timeā€”see the invitation emails earlier on
> the mailing list).

Thanks for sharing this.

I noticed that the http URL where you can dereference the did is in a
number of places e.g. .identity or the root

It would be easier to create a global web of reputation for indexers,
software and libraries if this was in a relatively consistent place

Typically, one would use the /.well-known/ pattern similar to
/.well-known/ni/ used in RFC 6920 it may be possible to use

If that's considered too restrictive perhaps it could be an example or an
opt in and / or use the rel=canonical pattern if it occurs in more than one

I could picture this eco system getting quickly off the ground it it were
easy to create reverse indexes and offer services to everyone consuming


> =Drummond

Received on Thursday, 23 November 2017 20:49:01 UTC