- From: Steven Rowat <steven_rowat@sunshine.net>
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 13:29:48 -0800
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
On 2017-12-13 10:38 AM, =Drummond Reed wrote: > *THE RDF/JSON-LD WORLDVIEW* > In this worldview, DID documents are a standard way to describe a > well-known subgraph of a potentially very large RDF graph of data > about a subject. To quotethis message from Dave Longley on a github > DID issues thread > <https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec/pull/36#issuecomment-351128922>: > "a DID document, is about establishing an independent entity and being > able to authenticate that certain activities/actions were performed by > that entity -- and to interact with that entity via services. This > necessarily includes specifying how that DID document can be > changed." Linked Data Signatures are also important in this worldview > since it is the standard way to sign JSON-LD documents. > > *THE AGENT WORLDVIEW* > > In this worldview,DID documents are about having an open, > interoperable way to discover and manage the cryptographic keys > and service endpoints necessary to bootstrap secure, verifiable > connections, claims, and interactions between agents acting on behalf > of DID subjects. > Due to my lack of knowledge of many of the terms, I have difficulty understanding the distinction here well enough to relate it use cases. But it does make me wonder: Will some use cases be excluded, or better served, by one of these "worldviews"? I'm hoping someone who understands what Drummond is getting at here better than I will take a stab at distinguishing what would be the differential consequences for publishing, health systems, self-sovereignty, and so forth, that might exist (or not) between these two different approaches. Steven
Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 21:30:12 UTC