Re: UN peacekeepers 'barter goods for sex' - BBC News

On Fri, 7 Apr 2017 at 00:41 Andrew Bransford Brown <>

> Timothy,
> I understand the problem very well.  I am a victim of it.
> I designed a common language for ALL transactions on earth to escape
> slavery.
> Please review it again.  I know more about all of this than you.

be careful with your assumptions.


whats this based on?

> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Timothy Holborn <
>> wrote:
> um...  The problem is quite significant, and it is important not to
> over-simplify the problem and/or the solution for it.
> Andrew Macleod spoke about this problem at the 'Trust Factory' event.  Some
> links about him: Andrew Macleod
> <> Mining & Impact Capital
> <>,  TED Development Investment
> <>, Terrorism & Global Affairs
> <>
> Search using the following keywords for more info:
>    - "United Nations" "food for sex"
>    - "United Nations" "sexual abuse"
>    - "United Nations" "child rape"
>    - "United Nations" pedophilia
> With respect to 'modern slavery', i also highlight:
> noting that whilst the position of this video
> is
> another important problem to solve, that the broader video will help you
> understand the scope of these sorts of problems...
> If Facebook, Google, etc. want to Manage ID and do the biometric analysis
> so they can use facial recognition for commercial purposes as though
> they're process is making the best opportunities for humans on the planet.  I
> think, well. they're not serving vulnerable people very well.  a very high
> opportunity cost put upon humanity in exchange for 'free' services (on paid
> internet).
> 'rethinking good guys vs. bad guys'...   great concept.
> I've been working for years in poverty on global open standards
> technologies that are difficult to commercialise for people such as
> myself.  That kinda makes me an investor, but we don't have the
> 'blockchain' for that either, yet.
> People should be rewarded more for doing the right thing than they are for
> knowingly doing otherwise. The example provided above shows how deep the
> rot has gone.  It's simply not acceptable.  knowledge economy should
> enhance socio-economic participation whilst being provisioned in a 'dignity
> enhancing' manner that supports most of all, safety, health and welfare.
> Tim.h.
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2017 at 00:20 Andrew Bransford Brown <>
> wrote:
> Ambiguity in contracts is the root problem.  People sign contracts they
> don't understand or get trapped, then resort to sex to pay it off.
> Predators take advantage of that naivety.  Language and cultural
> miscommunications are perpetuated to create contracts for that result.
> Solution
> A common language for all contracts and transactions.  It prevents
> ambiguity, provides accountability, transparency, and respects privacy.
> This is based on contract law and works in all languages and cultures for
> barter and currency transactions:
> Event-based smart contract to describe any contract or transaction.  It's
> precise enough for computers and human readable.  See the stock market
> examples and notice the identical data structure for both bid and ask.
> On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 11:52 PM, Timothy Holborn <
>> wrote:
> Heres a problem worth fixing.

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2017 14:44:21 UTC