Re: Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-02-09

On 02/15/2016 08:51 AM, Shane McCarron wrote:
> Hmm.  But a "consumer" might not be the one doing the verification.  A
> consumer is the one that needs the claim to be true (presumably).

That's my concern as well. We could do something new with the entire
terminology like "issuing party", "holding party",
"storage/aggregator/curator/agent party", "interested party", where
"interested party" takes over for "consumer".

The "consumer" is the party that needs trust in the credential holder in
order for it to do something. They are a "relying party", an "interested
party", and sometimes a "service provider" (but not always). They are
the party that wants to know (and be able to trust) something about
another entity (for some reason). I don't know if any of that helps
anyone think of a better name.

> Requestor is more accurate in the case where we are talking about the
> entity that is asking the holder for the claim.

Unfortunately, "requestor" or "recipient" can be confused with the
"holder" because the holder must request a credential be issued to them
from the issuer.

> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 2:20 AM, Adrian Hope-Bailie
> < <>> wrote:
>     Verifier seems appropriate given that these are "verifiable" claims
>     On 15 February 2016 at 00:59, Steven Rowat
>     < <>> wrote:
>         On 2/14/16 1:44 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>             I'm happy with 'evaluators', but wonder what our colleagues
>             in the
>             education industry think? ...[snip]
>             Credential/Claim Requestor and Credential/Claim Verifier
>             could also work?
>         IMO any of Requestor, Verifier, or Evaluator would be preferable
>         to Consumer.
>         Except, Requestor could be confused with 'holder', the
>         person/entity asking for the original issuing, since at the
>         start they are 'requesting' that a credential be issued for them
>         -- which they then take elsewhere to be Evaluated or Verified
>         (or, currently, Consumed).
>         But as you noted, with multiple possible systems in play --
>         finance, education, payments, government -- it's going to be
>         hard not to cause at least some confusion somewhere.
>         Steven
> -- 
> -Shane

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Monday, 15 February 2016 14:55:03 UTC