Re: Revised Verifiable Claims WG Charter (RC-2) (was Re: Problem statement)


Whilst i understand you, or other stakeholders may have problems with my
recommendation; it is to replace the term "self-sovereign" with either
'citizen centric' or preferably 'human centric'.

some systems of government do not serve citizens, resulting in refugee
styled situations where the data may not be available to those needing to
process refugees (as an example).  therein, human centric is the preferred
concept IMHO.

Human centric includes roles humans play; including but not exclusive to,
- directorships
- employee
- student
- spouse
- etc.

point is, humans are human.  we are part of the flora and fauna that makes
up our world and everything we create as humans are essentially secondary,
until such a time as we invent a new species that is encapsulated by law /
botany as a new species of flora / fauna.

at least that's the way i think law would view it on a world-wide basis.

Kind Regards,

Timothy Holborn.

On Sun, 7 Aug 2016 at 02:50 Manu Sporny <> wrote:

> On 08/02/2016 12:24 PM, David Chadwick wrote:
> > How about changing the first sentence of the problem statement
> Based on Wendy Seltzer and Microsoft's feedback, as well as the
> resulting feedback from the VCTF and CCG, the charter text has been
> changed to reflect the consensus we have built as well as address the
> concerns raised to date. Remember that we're not looking for the perfect
> charter, but one that all of us can live with.
> The new charter can be found here:
> with a diff-marked copy here:
> I suggest you look at the latter link if you're only interested in the
> changes from the previous draft charter.
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> JSON-LD Best Practice: Context Caching

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 15:37:11 UTC