Re: Revised Verifiable Claims WG Charter (RC-2) (was Re: Problem statement)

to put it another way,

manu - can you turn this SVG data (fingerprint example) into a credentials
compliant example?

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46.23665,67.57793 9.76587,5.06054 12.25951,24.71475 -2.47419,21.59303 z m
-11.95814,-4.93227 c -36.03695,-23.63448 -51.99578,-66.29398
-68.62093,-104.1015 -2.84977,-20.31107 -30.56604,-54.00989
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4.90314,-67.21674 35.26045,-50.51848 22.39858,18.60677 23.63802,49.7781
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c -15.25469,-20.43296 -36.29445,-36.44018 -45.97459,-60.7858
-16.96056,-25.65431 -24.82297,-57.12022 -46.02083,-79.79649
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28.99854,-45.17858 52.08892,-55.03974 24.03769,-5.51629 41.56242,15.78892
60.68478,26.17923 33.44655,37.16457 41.64527,91.54741 79.42995,125.73946
2.4948,4.72058 26.01399,34.08697 4.92249,19.40646 z m -306.99668,2.23283 c
2.9998,-4.38087 2.55307,5.7242 0,0 z m -3.5,-2.41667 c -0.65022,-8.64435
6.0388,4.72033 0,0 z m 116.10699,-0.58179 c -11.36605,-23.82354
-16.73222,-49.64248 -15.59786,-76.39717 -7.07932,-13.60134
19.43059,-47.36756 9.95386,-17.41588 -4.9504,20.94403 -4.55085,44.50616
-0.44858,65.21276 22.22081,7.94554 -8.33075,-45.03916 12.24749,-37.81343
0.0434,18.06539 2.74158,42.36588 0.94612,57.18793 6.27498,5.40216
-2.10232,9.34966 -7.10103,9.22579 z m -24.9199,-13.22293 c
-4.93769,-27.71259 -10.61047,-56.33861 -4.44818,-84.8257 8.87439,-30.91015
28.97425,-59.37512 55.46692,-77.41686 21.17795,-10.7118 47.55755,-21.69772
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9.55052,-0.45531 27.53458,4.623 8.36615,-5.51328 -18.30067,-8.4301
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-2.72797,7.16123 13.79468,44.11167 -3.52398,32.40896 z m 85.06291,-0.17966
c -7.56917,-22.10474 27.09698,1.75285 2.49765,2.0481 -0.83255,-0.6827
-1.6651,-1.3654 -2.49765,-2.0481 z m 140.91667,-5.68229 c
-16.2412,-21.71029 -32.11843,-43.83919 -46.45508,-66.40923
-5.7913,-13.45298 -28.41676,-44.47326 -19.13565,-50.65961 16.24761,17.88861
24.90424,41.3365 37.83522,62.73397 10.33526,19.60579 27.07198,35.19719
38.56909,53.8009 -2.64332,2.70338 -7.518,0.48712 -10.81358,0.53397 z m
15.84341,-7.31702 c -1.25676,-8.67084 6.29322,2.30138 0,0 z M
175.71256,647.67 c -6.14117,-17.87045 22.18586,-51.31057 9.92478,-57.03067
-3.82284,12.70986 -20.00765,30.02048 -10.65556,5.43317 17.53642,-14.11906
23.49426,-38.10001 37.36741,-53.04847 -9.11508,30.08893 -20.29714,59.84139
-27.57756,90.60112 -1.91231,5.20087 -3.87633,11.16114 -9.05907,14.04485 z m
348,-4 c -10.14802,-21.50659 -30.50539,-36.72197 -39.06965,-58.10434
-20.62381,-17.37452 -23.31547,-46.23487 -43.23664,-64.28978
-17.29567,-18.4864 -37.6812,-39.78648 -65.55953,-36.6446 -26.26803,4.62267
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30.26048,4.50381 54.73529,24.35674 72.21913,48.49667 15.79203,19.89323
24.81483,44.14338 41.77075,63.32075 2.14667,16.31296 40.286,40.28975
23.92717,53.4866 z M 171.55383,620.37789 c -1.65201,-6.6243 5.49218,1.59953
0,0 z M 312.68531,602.363 c -2.20769,-8.80891 5.85037,-47.36776
6.93623,-19.151 -0.92146,3.80129 -0.48342,23.70132 -6.93623,19.151 z m
231.06467,-9.12663 c -25.84678,-33.86638 -52.64884,-67.04415
-80.08688,-99.56841 -20.12658,-17.48077 -42.72757,-36.58742
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86.44226,-74.01955 40.28376,-15.93198 86.53394,-19.21016 127,-2
20.45922,8.81531 36.16224,26.47893 51.84006,41.53206 19.48349,19.23322
33.21996,42.62489 50.93007,62.86561 0.26894,9.56191 36.19969,35.04886
11.47987,30.54794 z m -153.5,-2.35383 c -9.32536,-12.73999
-2.07752,-26.06217 3.8698,-6.8629 2.26179,2.46498 1.21702,13.55314
-3.8698,6.8629 z m -222.78901,-5.65489 c 25.91915,-31.02248
36.67601,-74.52647 72.34955,-97.14631 3.86352,12.84605 -33.53648,33.38016
-38.90883,54.24494 -8.75049,15.43207 -12.7348,39.33093 -33.44072,42.90137 z
m 85.20568,0.39644 c -3.77802,-18.04643 19.27101,3.36819 0,0 z m
77.68275,-4.56702 c -8.57611,-11.11373 14.86163,-51.8655 14.65623,-31.34174
-6.1725,9.82035 -7.17031,22.31252 -14.65623,31.34174 z m -73.68275,-7.43298
c 0.61674,-12.69362 18.81883,-47.01956 10.34194,-15.77492 -1.85047,5.24152
-2.14561,16.79985 -10.34194,15.77492 z m 292.02042,-6.13805 c
-28.11067,-39.16265 -58.50991,-78.41838 -98.0442,-106.64826
-33.06826,-20.56783 -74.51149,-27.63059 -112.06256,-17.08625
-13.73959,3.03221 -29.07912,-1.2575 -7.77942,-4.90737 23.06883,-1.82798
45.59243,-9.49763 68.80238,-5.36195 38.36968,6.85886 74.98556,27.85433
98.84017,58.9759 20.29363,22.61133 41.57304,44.80871 58.0625,70.36517
5.17252,7.46401 -4.06299,7.37445 -7.81887,4.66276 z m -379.43709,-1.29446 c
0.12767,-25.29428 22.14997,-44.43169 34.86222,-64.65498 23.48782,-30.26804
53.73129,-55.67439 88.39169,-72.03732 16.60144,1.47683 -21.79984,19.71904
-31.01978,25.59585 -19.93518,12.57228 -32.54571,33.39325 -51.4292,47.21112
-10.86698,19.54393 -26.55155,36.42626 -33.88524,57.7085 -0.66763,2.8351
-3.28175,7.07317 -6.91969,6.17683 z m 151,-2.36155 c -5.33007,-14.70681
11.60534,8.27956 0,0 z M 558.71256,546.67 c -25.51396,-34.76073
-55.38792,-67.0509 -89.53929,-93.42966 -22.19339,-10.7267
-43.65708,-26.27905 -69.34509,-26.96121 -16.35597,-10.65626
-38.44133,9.42062 -49.09746,-1.26984 20.38909,-15.76589 48.50961,-5.91094
72.56231,-0.87287 29.17577,10.35315 58.65758,23.3534 79.68133,47.10876
24.96468,17.78604 38.24235,47.13165 59.94821,68.14972 3.13906,3.38994
1.69561,10.12742 -4.21001,7.2751 z m -394.99852,-7.99851 c
-4.01736,-12.86262 31.43533,-43.64342 16.30412,-19.28591 -6.60326,5.13895
-5.48514,20.34722 -16.30412,19.28591 z m 185.47258,-2.63073 c
6.46445,-12.78435 43.59713,-12.32874 15.25639,-1.73905 -3.6371,1.24669
-14.97641,10.96708 -15.25639,1.73905 z m 213.56336,-8.66506 c
-8.76584,-17.67065 -32.04449,-40.24371 -36.52384,-51.15166 19.12926,5.67345
39.33842,24.89524 50.43607,37.57152 -8.30926,-6.93728 -31.32536,-13.91521
-13.93429,1.90207 5.073,5.30402 16.85735,24.34711 0.0221,11.67807 z M
161.66433,513.344 c -11.25373,-14.14317 32.61811,-33.64704
12.15103,-11.96221 -2.75738,3.86773 -4.60664,19.81511 -12.15103,11.96221 z
m 26.58565,-8.75897 c -6.20836,-12.82676 23.80328,-23.17601
7.86501,-4.86752 -1.32827,2.56434 -4.36091,7.29218 -7.86501,4.86752 z m
383.25,-11.29427 c -29.25533,-17.48104 -44.98914,-49.82524
-74.50453,-66.98647 -17.46026,-16.39485 -37.53591,-27.11158
-60.44502,-33.97527 -26.30034,-10.01049 -54.30715,-12.48869
-82.29136,-10.92291 -22.82283,0.14644 -46.55384,4.02816 -68.048,8.62914
-34.65784,12.1331 -60.56893,39.08472 -89.8497,60.05184 -21.30148,4.46299
13.45974,-21.55687 21.32142,-25.16929 19.02258,-19.43758 44.75895,-30.60402
68.64053,-42.42714 23.80556,-1.61158 47.08496,-6.12506 70.75441,-9.04372
23.19556,-3.5517 44.7041,4.46574 67.30076,7.34234 20.53443,6.00056
41.56532,11.59534 58.42721,26.06115 23.3529,11.86612 40.91522,31.54214
60.9542,47.86679 -1.31062,15.80418 48.24575,33.99854 27.74008,38.57354 l
0,0 z m -291.85764,-0.69097 c 12.46744,-16.75641 35.43474,-19.16742
52.69513,-28.96071 11.00925,-9.88905 57.52856,-7.05602 24.05243,0.0138
-26.77454,2.94483 -48.54721,20.0507 -73.50958,28.33565 l -3.23798,0.6113
0,0 z m -123.62508,-4.49567 c 6.56587,-17.20132 11.47951,5.74195 0,0 z m
25.23272,-1.41638 c 9.02526,-30.07085 40.67411,-43.74645 63.44226,-61.99156
21.31011,-21.34949 51.22509,-31.79736 81.08934,-31.99588 30.4484,-8.69719
62.91199,-5.25909 93.01566,2.87892 10.21714,4.00792 48.17657,10.48674
39.96393,19.37433 -21.37537,-5.41079 -41.45501,-16.01884
-63.56889,-17.92158 -26.31347,-9.71085 -53.86764,-3.31896 -79.98949,3.00748
-41.18261,3.95946 -72.28285,33.34771 -103.80844,56.88932 -10.20472,9.38949
-15.56102,26.37437 -30.14437,29.75897 z m 20.75,-4.10337 c
13.28703,-24.03785 39.21404,-36.4984 59.24469,-54.00841 30.73621,-19.41564
67.47192,-27.46119 103.43077,-28.57976 22.95023,-0.76056 44.89011,6.63308
66.32212,12.52789 13.9762,1.61292 35.1896,20.9459 42.65032,16.24345
-19.54542,-27.84838 27.53375,12.85244 35.06945,20.42525 13.06289,5.30061
27.47245,30.38396 4.70254,19.28292 -14.67781,-21.17293 -36.46011,-32.43364
-60.36243,-40.21132 -37.4929,-20.73022 -81.96466,-22.36421
-123.70886,-18.82027 -35.73187,4.64095 -67.43255,24.16019
-92.94361,48.84599 -15.44828,0.62284 -19.83981,26.22002 -34.40499,24.29426
z m 42.66667,2.03972 c 9.67807,-22.43519 41.10524,-29.56742
55.38906,-43.42545 1.04668,13.13661 19.76006,3.61615 1.52734,11.13441
-22.23745,5.19631 -36.93987,26.61705 -56.9164,32.29104 z m
-81.66667,-5.91025 c 8.68701,-24.87136 20.14098,14.25695 0,0 z m
410.5,-10.42308 c -23.03829,-19.69374 -52.9394,-45.02377
-69.69655,-63.73045 26.57917,-1.04861 40.58083,29.80402 59.32679,45.43374
7.97615,1.87494 33.13966,34.3375 10.36976,18.29671 z m -413.83333,0.33333 c
-8.42754,-14.41679 26.53302,-16.82488 5.18115,-3.47103 l -2.38808,1.66317
-2.79307,1.80786 z M 179.71256,465.67 c -4.49741,-16.36846 15.68988,1.74536
0,0 z m -8.71258,-14.41062 c -15.74488,-13.99908 27.65343,-25.17334
32.45936,-40.53448 10.9827,-12.87681 30.78571,-8.05984 10.2022,5.27041
-16.9078,6.71245 -34.88761,31.6838 -42.66156,35.26407 z m
410.08844,-2.46862 c -19.04722,-15.01261 -33.43438,-35.13232
-53.5233,-48.98469 -13.91289,-20.74813 -37.4512,-26.42587
-57.87087,-37.82332 -13.04401,-14.47837 -46.11516,-10.65084
-50.7036,-26.22687 24.00245,3.22158 46.09361,13.9454 67.25059,25.25476
29.88283,14.51685 53.91107,38.28646 78.71395,59.84125 4.77225,2.15067
36.26106,45.43208 16.13323,27.93887 z M 302.99998,438.09548 c
7.42692,-11.84364 47.89426,-11.72433 38.82003,-8.04638 -13.21613,1.39859
-25.10232,10.95626 -38.82003,8.04638 z m -142.5,-7.80472 c 2.72542,-8.47003
9.11028,4.30727 0,0 z m 6.5,-5.77682 c -0.59223,-14.82058
45.41088,-30.56704 20.22391,-11.40117 -6.2882,1.93797 -14.23761,15.41898
-20.22391,11.40117 z m 136,1.82834 c 11.34247,-9.32384 51.2537,-18.63713
46.50807,-9.37753 -14.99851,5.21729 -30.90092,6.93304 -46.50807,9.37753 z m
276.75,-5.91263 c -20.32811,-26.5499 -49.37987,-44.99867
-77.87567,-61.68269 -35.02099,-18.43307 -74.41359,-38.9802
-115.09897,-27.36437 -24.1377,5.94379 -50.54573,1.02699 -73.27536,12.90817
-9.95175,1.60508 -44.1048,19.71312 -39.15256,7.20501 24.96118,-9.81844
49.33974,-23.20615 76.89504,-23.08976 24.7837,-1.99987 49.36848,-9.08387
74.23229,-6.76804 26.44869,5.24165 52.01421,14.11711 75.34154,27.81217
26.47434,10.64294 46.96079,31.52404 70.08347,47.48468 4.78703,2.28096
24.27763,29.04918 8.85022,23.49483 z m -416.0625,-9.78472 c
4.85308,-25.44368 35.00515,-32.96586 53.95943,-45.75316 30.72849,-18.90301
63.78504,-33.85428 97.48926,-46.54527 22.7143,-5.88988 47.07302,-9.34331
70.23956,-5.35272 -9.44448,9.06091 -40.52269,3.55333 -58.18433,9.88424
-43.40068,12.16884 -83.36533,34.40134 -122.07422,56.86633
-12.75773,11.26016 -31.31597,20.74449 -41.4297,30.90058 z m
319.5625,-13.05859 c -14.48307,-21.91113 33.4154,18.21661 2.49859,2.50529
-0.83287,-0.8351 -1.66573,-1.67019 -2.49859,-2.50529 z m -285.25,1.79701 c
14.99729,-18.60104 38.12159,-27.50363 58.56362,-38.07918 24.36104,0.77894
-17.67395,15.28729 -24.82614,21.28851 -10.67883,5.42534 -21.71718,17.78453
-33.73748,16.79067 z m 27.5399,-0.028 c 16.19086,-15.38113
38.58787,-21.50132 56.62618,-34.31546 25.10561,-11.18103 50.82056,-21.58752
78.77382,-22.09039 22.8209,-7.77738 44.36819,-0.23814 66.07169,7.73097
10.21874,2.3287 47.11617,17.33172 18.18154,11.30802 -41.21936,-15.64917
-87.04885,-14.91794 -129.36918,-4.28523 -27.09929,10.59308
-51.84953,25.87196 -77.34187,39.47398 -4.12562,1.51619 -8.53136,2.40847
-12.94218,2.17811 z m 285.98148,-1.04094 c -17.28645,-11.75055
-37.53861,-15.28242 -57.56637,-18.28259 -32.025,-9.11023
-65.54114,-16.80015 -98.98577,-14.48503 -18.89553,-0.85432
-39.93843,13.19806 -56.82319,7.93758 22.03114,-9.13855 46.36919,-13.40988
69.94417,-15.22528 35.45977,-2.50213 69.077,10.28128 103.25573,17.4221
7.63517,1.90933 51.32684,16.94461 40.17543,22.63322 z m -347.85471,-10.6903
c 7.78482,-27.14761 41.71583,-32.03266 62.62167,-45.84939
35.74162,-14.56712 67.96981,-38.70181 107.3005,-43.32 10.451,-4.32612
53.62345,-1.05809 21.17499,4.41769 -23.14755,2.18222 -45.92159,6.512
-67.00968,17.13029 -28.30102,7.98948 -50.82123,28.33661 -78.24779,38.53127
-16.05484,8.53897 -30.40513,19.31843 -45.83969,29.09014 z m
414.56857,-3.40823 c -27.6216,-17.79117 -55.66611,-34.67229
-84.93129,-49.57974 -20.37533,-11.24939 -43.77845,-14.759
-65.03718,-23.61418 -17.73574,4.02863 -44.07257,-5.00869
-52.86316,-11.77623 23.47285,-4.84268 49.63265,5.57924 73.29018,10.5954
20.8666,8.06621 42.8813,14.96898 61.87273,26.36548 5.66787,8.25062
37.51155,19.53538 19.20266,1.66538 -36.43145,-21.35473 -75.27535,-40.27624
-117.59376,-46.67299 -44.08615,-6.28815 -90.83066,-5.53149
-131.43919,14.70525 -11.04738,2.48791 -38.54421,25.68306 -40.34074,8.91506
18.30811,-9.11952 41.88113,-17.33934 64.18891,-23.88125 40.97306,-13.78327
86.51444,-16.19777 127.75007,-2.22782 39.61348,8.45548 76.26921,26.58822
108.73465,50.56461 7.85879,19.90367 46.22562,29.50795 42.92099,48.81521 l
-2.09329,-1.00515 -3.66158,-2.86903 0,0 z m 0.90879,-26.4801 c
-20.7757,-16.11341 -40.56033,-33.45073 -63.46093,-46.5548
-29.64708,-21.24477 -66.32678,-26.63484 -100.62119,-36.4017
-26.5554,-4.5234 -54.6614,-8.36345 -81.16798,-1.27696 -24.65865,4.22064
-48.34098,14.69985 -73.23528,19.16663 -19.01991,8.08585 -41.82437,27.4241
-59.45813,27.08729 23.47911,-18.14091 49.64867,-33.78339 79.21805,-41.11634
24.59308,-8.31647 50.42102,-8.2262 75.0106,-16.77079 23.18857,2.46929
47.57364,2.43421 70.39451,8.28061 45.72374,9.55243 90.54829,28.2016
127.99929,56.82865 11.14888,1.24618 43.99411,41.26286 25.60752,31.04064 l
-0.28646,-0.28325 c 0,0 0,2e-5 0,2e-5 z m -415.56143,2.68865 c
12.07236,-20.35199 40.7357,-20.74241 57.97846,-35.25341 17.0663,-12.51377
19.42511,5.53371 1.31641,8.13737 -18.92126,11.77455 -40.12119,15.74577
-59.29487,27.11604 z m 12.08407,-22.80032 c -0.62195,-16.0443
17.90556,7.68251 0,0 z m 14.98622,-8.08595 c 4.15051,-14.01566
12.89682,3.14527 0,0 z m -18.98622,-3.91405 c 2.46594,-13.66303
49.12553,-29.82242 22.82336,-9.73688 -6.25619,5.41372 -14.12367,10.67052
-22.82336,9.73688 z m 401.06536,-1.33335 c -22.33033,-7.64469
-37.06273,-28.43266 -59.64027,-36.07944 -39.50264,-20.77247
-84.09955,-28.09581 -128.04856,-32.32233 -28.67509,-7.98958
-55.30333,4.21151 -83.70351,4.83829 -24.75531,6.42595 -48.02443,17.74197
-72.45556,25.19543 -1.24741,-17.23201 35.89102,-14.33767 48.8934,-26.27148
19.99733,-9.21744 44.00581,-1.07942 64.10202,-11.57126 21.45017,-4.98229
42.88122,0.68398 64.09343,1.96942 21.11013,10.68012 44.18015,7.27113
66.46629,12.14112 32.78766,9.96391 63.47413,26.92124 89.07887,49.46785
30.52076,14.10503 -18.06825,-24.36927 -26.79239,-32.14583
-24.33079,-21.66126 -57.30869,-27.18282 -87.59362,-34.93622
-33.90353,2.29771 -67.75442,-16.06116 -101.07608,-3.61595 -11.0695,-6.45715
-45.96331,17.62023 -40.8014,1.41993 23.99438,-9.3945 50.54557,-11.92133
76.12701,-12.44773 25.23806,1.18876 48.53502,12.07748 74.13376,10.37135
35.80071,0.29754 68.056,18.34637 93.79178,41.99132 8.61266,2.85062
54.42268,51.21936 23.42483,41.99553 z M 179.66665,302.62409 c
10.42076,-23.03298 62.43646,-23.00337 20.1966,-6.27896 -6.64261,2.37891
-13.51503,4.02287 -20.1966,6.27896 z m 26.35061,-0.53952 c
14.07129,-17.22644 22.68828,8.75973 0,0 z m -31.01728,-11.60672 c
7.00194,-15.52811 12.07221,5.90881 0,0 z m 395.01078,-3.6741 c
-3.51296,-18.77476 18.09758,5.42849 0,0 z m -382.81078,-3.71299 c
13.21487,-21.96244 45.49001,-24.31792 64.50884,-39.71767 2.32901,3.48237
-4.0147,16.86433 -8.93947,19.83699 -16.27187,-2.99967 -39.71563,15.60779
-55.56937,19.88068 z m 371.51277,-3.42057 c -7.45606,-23.94188
-36.87756,-27.68726 -54.26596,-42.14473 -21.36782,-6.27588
-41.59047,-15.07989 -61.57624,-24.78874 -22.33465,-8.39706
-46.61649,-6.93264 -69.86829,-11.11754 -22.915,2.91946 -45.7945,4.37033
-68.48506,10.57915 -26.72075,6.6724 -52.7915,18.09956 -75.47268,32.87842
-16.33531,-13.3309 30.11964,-21.85906 41.59654,-29.98166 25.66727,-8.41628
51.36608,-17.42865 78.71879,-18.85404 27.76308,-4.37256 55.27819,1.54338
82.51821,5.42257 37.80187,12.73176 75.30997,27.51094 109.2768,48.62878
9.56461,1.56368 43.19584,31.85119 17.55789,29.37779 z M 256.38402,258.84917
c 2.92326,-18.3031 36.26273,-2.36984 8.60314,-2.71256 -3.33585,-1.47636
-5.95312,6.88178 -8.60314,2.71256 z m -57.13404,-2.22069 c
-6.47369,-22.75548 39.65666,-7.40421 8.35076,-3.15443 -2.47524,1.41656
-5.11144,5.60313 -8.35076,3.15443 z m 65.41667,-12.00439 c
12.1061,-15.48912 39.48646,-21.52287 57.59146,-23.95127 -1.46032,14.17688
-32.464,10.76578 -44.05355,23.40719 -4.33902,1.45606 -9.09917,1.75087
-13.53791,0.54408 z m 279.44231,-7.30694 c -31.23647,-16.42122
-63.43574,-30.75616 -97.04951,-41.63326 -23.12817,-9.14887
-49.31134,-8.74214 -73.9248,-10.0661 -24.53285,4.28451 -50.0482,-0.1229
-73.75777,7.81841 -13.78705,2.20569 -50.02931,26.06321 -51.83294,10.2201
23.16703,-4.34974 42.01071,-21.99222 66.43487,-22.06188 26.50777,-2.68343
53.12753,-3.20066 79.48595,-5.31783 22.6871,1.73814 44.02991,4.79721
64.46225,15.0057 25.54113,8.5896 49.57119,21.34918 75.56693,28.62222
2.31425,4.3347 33.68357,24.82521 10.61502,17.41264 z m -339.88209,-2.69007
c 1.25855,-17.89053 53.16773,-30.59657 23.96344,-9.98643 -7.53927,4.32223
-15.77769,7.17607 -23.96344,9.98643 z m 248.94826,-2.98783 c
-32.21204,-7.26772 -64.97712,-11.92768 -98.0607,-9.37541 -11.78674,2.25257
-32.07516,-5.1687 -8.99493,-7.20287 27.18847,-1.27336 55.11306,-2.48729
81.96893,2.4782 4.42509,-0.67447 42.94707,15.1302 25.0867,14.10008 z m
65.55688,-27.34849 c -26.08728,-14.2558 -54.98216,-21.63282
-82.60491,-32.0831 -11.25155,-1.67105 -57.80987,-5.66912 -24.43958,-10.4214
29.3125,0.58422 55.33143,16.573 83.41166,23.36767 6.57147,-0.22813
54.45835,26.82438 23.63283,19.13683 z m -284.8703,-6.08545 c
11.80653,-17.92928 36.31908,-19.83518 53.96393,-29.59416 23.74316,-3.43395
49.38029,-16.38707 71.51693,-11.57011 -26.20945,13.55707 -55.3263,12.83524
-81.78735,23.74494 -14.33857,6.36496 -28.42776,13.44219 -43.69351,17.41933
z m 119.67098,-23.86163 c 5.89853,-16.57435 19.57887,6.75381 0,0 z m
31.02114,-10.96579 c -1.65201,-6.62429 5.49219,1.59951 0,0 z m
-12.55385,-2.95479 c 3.58134,-11.98189 3.92855,9.66952 0,0 z m
-3.45729,-9.06324 c 0.64804,-5.53702 5.30151,3.33078 0,0 z"
       id="path2830" />



On Thu, 11 Aug 2016 at 01:04 Timothy Holborn <>

> A Fundamental promise that has existed for years, is that you can goto a
> website and say, your an adult, and that is all.
> if what has developed since cannot do that, then it should be seriously
> considered by stakeholders.
> Timothy Holborn.
> On Thu, 11 Aug 2016 at 01:02 Shane McCarron <> wrote:
>> I will try.  I wanted to expand on something I said earlier though:  If
>> you are concerned about the keeping sensitive information private,
>> Verifiable Claims is not for you.  Any information, once shared, is
>> revealed.  You can express your intent with regard to the use of the
>> information. You can express your desires on how long the data should be
>> around or with whom it can be shared, but you cannot enforce it.  The value
>> proposition for Verifiable Claims is the "V" part.  That an inspector can
>> be 100% confident in something you claim (assuming the issuer is in the
>> inspector's trust chain somewhere).
>> What we started debating here was about what privacy-enhancing means.
>> What I should have said earlier was that the Working Group will define
>> exactly what that means.  Part of the job of a formal activity like this is
>> to balance the needs of users with technological capabilities. We should
>> not presuppose any solution.  That was my bad.
>> So, getting back to the core discussion...  Our use cases [1] imply a lot
>> of core functionality.  Decomposability is NOT actually implied in there.
>> I just re-read the document.  Composability IS implied.  And all that means
>> is that, given a collection of claims (at whatever level of granularity) I
>> as a holder MUST be able to group together some of these, express my intent
>> about how they should be used, and sign the group.  Let's call this a
>> "credential".
>> Once that credential exists, I can pass that to an inspector.  The
>> inspector then presumably knows whatever they needed to know, and they can
>> verify the individual claims that make up the credential I sent to them.
>> Ideally, when I am issued a digital claim, it is a collection of VERY
>> FINELY GRAINED claims, each of which was signed by the issuer.  Then I have
>> the ability to create my credential in exactly the way I want.
>> I suppose it is possible that there will be issuers who will not do
>> this.  They will issue a big claim to me.  The US State Department could
>> issue a digital passport that contained ALL of the relevant information
>> (including an embedded PNG of my face and a link to some magic blockchain
>> thing onto which all of my passport transactions would be written).  In
>> that case, I would probably only choose to share that with governments.  I
>> wouldn't use it at the liquor store.
>> But I digress.  I will go play in the playground and see if can do what
>> you have asked.  I will try to start from examples in our data model
>> document [2] and go from there.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 7:30 AM, Timothy Holborn <
>>> wrote:
>>> So, here's an example[1] generated using JSON-LD playground [2].
>>> can you give me an example of what you are talking about, so i can see
>>> we are on the same page?
>>> Tim.H.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> On Wed, 10 Aug 2016 at 00:46 Shane McCarron <> wrote:
>>>> Notes inline:
>>>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Timothy Holborn <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps i'm wrong, but if the claims are issued as separate documents
>>>>> with independent signatures for each claim; then the resulting use has
>>>>> quite different qualities to a single document with multiple claims.
>>>>> Therein, the document with the signature needs to be presented and all the
>>>>> claims in that document are combined with the signature.
>>>> Well - I didn't say they were separate documents.  But if there are
>>>> multiple claims in a single credential, then those MUST be decomposable.
>>>> So they must be individually signed by the issuer.  There can ALSO be an
>>>> overall signature on the entire collection that verifies it was issued as a
>>>> block, but that's not that's for you as the holder - not for the processor..
>>>>> A credential is in-turn, a document with http-signatures, and embedded
>>>>> linked data.
>>>> Sure
>>>>> This in-turn could also be used to make other declarations, such as
>>>>> creative-commons, or other means to support restricted use requests.
>>>> I think we have not really explored how restricted use might be
>>>> implemented.  I am not an expert on such things, but (for example) signing
>>>> a claim in a way that if the validity is checked by dereferencing the link
>>>> to the signer that reference is only available until a time certain is one
>>>> way to implement it.
>>>>> Regardless of what's in the document, once it's been processed by the
>>>>> recipient, the data has been received and can be stored.
>>>> Of course.  What we are attempting is to improve the privacy and the
>>>> verifiability.  So a claim can only be VERIFIED by verifying the signature
>>>> and checking the associated URI.  An ephemeral URI is one way to limit that
>>>> verifiability in time.  Limiting it to specific participants is just a
>>>> matter of encrypting with the various participants.
>>>> The data itself can't really be protected.  That's why it is so
>>>> important that it be decomposable. That way a holder can only disclose the
>>>> minimum information.
>>>>> Are we agreeing or did I miss something?
>>>>> Tim.h.
>>>>> On Tue, 9 Aug 2016, 10:19 PM Shane McCarron <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hmm... actually, I don't think so.  I think that claims should be the
>>>>>> smallest grain possible.  An *identity* credential issued by a government
>>>>>> could have many many claims in it.  The subject is:
>>>>>>    - A citizen of this country
>>>>>>    - A citizen of this state
>>>>>>    - A citizen of this county
>>>>>>    - Living at an address xxx (or at least receives mail there)
>>>>>>    - Over 18
>>>>>>    - Over 21
>>>>>>    - Has a birthdate of x
>>>>>>    - Is authorized to operate a motor vehicle
>>>>>>    - etc...
>>>>>> Each of these is a distinct claim.  The privacy enhancement comes
>>>>>> from, in part, the holder being able to readily select which claim(s) are
>>>>>> being shared on an as needed basis, as well as with whom they are shared
>>>>>> and for how long.
>>>>>> When I am shopping for wine, all they need to know is that I am over
>>>>>> 21.  Not my name nor my address. When I go to pay using my mobile device,
>>>>>> their mobile device reader asks me for proof of age.  My claim curator
>>>>>> service on my mobile device shows *me* a list of claims that I can use.  I
>>>>>> select one and it is shared with the requesting device (the claim
>>>>>> processor) for a very limited period of time.  Green light comes on.  I
>>>>>> take my wine and leave.
>>>>>> There are obviously many many other use models, but they all boil
>>>>>> down to the holder being in control of sharing the least amount of
>>>>>> information possible, in a verifiable manner, with the least number of
>>>>>> processors, for the least amount of time.  That's privacy-enhancing.
>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Timothy Holborn <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think it's more complex and can relate to the means in which a
>>>>>>> credential is formed.
>>>>>>> a credential could, for instance, have an array of counterparts.
>>>>>>>  thereby supporting both a claim relating to a birthdate in addition to
>>>>>>> independently supporting a claim that simply states 'over 18' without
>>>>>>> necessarily declaring the birthdate.
>>>>>>> anything with a birth-date would also presumably support some sort
>>>>>>> of 'name' and other identity information.  whether these sorts of
>>>>>>> datapoints are required for various use-cases, ie: access to an adult
>>>>>>> website - really depends on the construction - yet also, is it not
>>>>>>> important for us to figure that out as a counterpart of what we're putting
>>>>>>> forward?
>>>>>>> Tim.H.
>>>>>>> On Tue, 9 Aug 2016 at 11:51 Shane McCarron <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> FWIW I interpret privacy-enhancing as the ability for holders and
>>>>>>>> subjects of a claim to limit the verifiable exposure of information from
>>>>>>>> the claim to specific processors and for specific periods of time.  Or
>>>>>>>> something to that effect.
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 3:57 PM, David Chadwick <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Manu
>>>>>>>>> A couple of comments on the latest version
>>>>>>>>> i) The first sentence could be formulated more precisely, as
>>>>>>>>> self-sovereign refers to credentials and not to standards. Similar
>>>>>>>>> comment applies tor privacy-enhancing. Therefore the following is
>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>> correct:
>>>>>>>>> There is currently no standard for expressing and transacting
>>>>>>>>> self-sovereign and privacy-enhancing verifiable claims (aka:
>>>>>>>>> credentials, attestations) via the Web.
>>>>>>>>> ii) in 3.1 you ought to define what you mean by privacy-enhancing
>>>>>>>>> (regardless of the resolution of i) above). You have already
>>>>>>>>> defined
>>>>>>>>> self-sovereign
>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>> On 06/08/2016 17:47, Manu Sporny wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > On 08/02/2016 12:24 PM, David Chadwick wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >> How about changing the first sentence of the problem statement
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Based on Wendy Seltzer and Microsoft's feedback, as well as the
>>>>>>>>> > resulting feedback from the VCTF and CCG, the charter text has
>>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>>> > changed to reflect the consensus we have built as well as
>>>>>>>>> address the
>>>>>>>>> > concerns raised to date. Remember that we're not looking for the
>>>>>>>>> perfect
>>>>>>>>> > charter, but one that all of us can live with.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > The new charter can be found here:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > with a diff-marked copy here:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I suggest you look at the latter link if you're only interested
>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>> > changes from the previous draft charter.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > -- manu
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Shane McCarron
>>>>>>>> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Shane McCarron
>>>>>> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops
>>>> --
>>>> Shane McCarron
>>>> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops
>> --
>> Shane McCarron
>> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 15:24:03 UTC