Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-04-26

Thanks to Gregg Kellogg for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Verifiable Claims telecon are now available:

Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-04-26

  1. Credentials Transparency Initiative Alignment
  2. Review of Questionnaire Status
  3. Verifiable Claims Data Model Specification
  4. One page W3C AC Rep Summary
  5. Charter Cleanup
  6. Use Case Reviews
  Manu Sporny
  Gregg Kellogg
  Gregg Kellogg, Dave Longley, Manu Sporny, Stuart Sutton, Shane 
  McCarron, Dan Burnett, Eric Korb, David I. Lehn, Kaspar Korjus, 
  Bill DeLorenzo, Jason Weaver, Rob Trainer, Brian Sletten, Rebecca 
  Simmons, David Ezell, Erik Anderson

Gregg Kellogg is scribing.

Topic: Credentials Transparency Initiative Alignment

Dave Longley:  We discovered that VCTF and Credentials CG and CTI 
  have different but complementary scopes. we want to be sure 
  terminology is alligned. We determined that we differ from CTI.
  … The VCTF is focused on modeling a claim for person awarded 
  thing on date, where CTI describes a set of things that might be 
  … VCTF makes claims that a person holds a degree (eg).. CTI 
  says that a certificate is a credential and there’s no concept of 
  a claim. They just model different types of certificates.
  … Unfortunately, that means the term “Credential” is in 
  conflict. From VCTF, the term “Credential” in CTI is more like a 
  certificate type.
Manu Sporny:  We’re just raising this as an issue. We’ll meet on 
  Friday to discuss ways forward.
  … THe key thing is that the actual data may be using the word 
  “Credential” in three different ways.
Stuart Sutton:  CTI has also been struggling with these 
  definitions. We’re dealing with a broad set of concerns. The 
  language used across the is used in different ways. FOr 
  organizations, things holders have, and the relation between two 
  … It’s inherently confusing in the wild. When we talk about it 
  on Friday, we need to come up with something that will resonate 
  with the community.
  … CTI’s been watching VCTF.
Shane McCarron:  There are other W3C activities that use 
  Credential as well, that are in conflict with our usage.
Dave Longley: We believe we're using the most commonly used 
  version of "credential" by using the dictionary definition
Manu Sporny:  Based on the way the spec is now, we use the 
  dictionary definition for Credential and Claim. “A Credential is 
  composed of a set of Claims”.

Topic: Review of Questionnaire Status

Manu Sporny:  Last week, we had 18-20 responses. This week, we 
  have 35 responses, so we’re gaining!
  … We’ll ask again to weigh in this week. The responses so far 
  are very positive. We’ve already surpassed the number needed by 
  W3C, but we’d like 20 organizations saying they’ll participate in 
  the work; we have 15 now.
  … I know there are at least 10 companies that are interested, 
  but haven’t yet responded.

Topic: Verifiable Claims Data Model Specification

Manu Sporny:
Dan Burnett:  Basically, there was an original CG spec that 
  included a number of different items. At a minimum, we need to 
  restrict it down to the data model spec. We’ve talked about both 
  data model and syntax, but we may have to fiddle with the word 
  … We have a logical data model and representations in different 
  languages (JSON, JSON-LD, WebIDL). These are all different 
  languages in which the data model may be specified.
Shane McCarron: As a model
  … The plan is to create such a document, and use as example 
  representations, some examples from the Web Payment groups that 
  do something similar.
Manu Sporny:  I wanted to mention that this spec… W3C told us to 
  _not_ provide a spec, because it could be a distraction. However, 
  from the responses, we’ve learned that a number of large members 
  need to see a spec.
  … Shane mention that this is a “Goldilocks spec” to try to 
  drive the middle ground.
  … We believe this is part of the package the W3C Membership 
  expects and will help stave-off objections.
Dan Burnett: Web payments core messages spec:
  … Thanks to Dan to step up and create the doc.
  … Once we have it, we’ll need to be sure it’s aligned with our 
  work over the last 2 years. We need to be sure we have teh orgs 
  that will implement and deploy say it’s going in the right 
Dan Burnett:  Expect to do this in the next 2 weeks.
Shane McCarron: Exactly
  … Shane’s already dumped in sections from other specs that may 
  be useful.

Topic: One page W3C AC Rep Summary

Manu Sporny:  Feedback was that we overloaded them with 
  infrormation in the Use Cases.
  … people have asked for a 1-page doc with specific things. We 
  discussed in the WPIG about the suggested content needed to sign 
  off, and we think this is one of those pieces.
  … Shane, dlongley, and myself are on the hook to do this.
Eric Korb: Korb to help
Shane McCarron: Or help with the FAQ??  We should get this done 
  in the next two weeks IMHO
  … Timeframe is ASAP, we’re blocking the process right now.
  … The other issue is that we’re all overloaded right now, but 
  based on workload, that will be pretty hard.
Shane McCarron: I have not - but I am not sure how valuable a 
  spec-ops opinion on this is.
  … About 7 people from the IG have filled out the form, the rest 
  are education, healthcare and other things not related to the IG 

Topic: Charter Cleanup

Manu Sporny:  We’re waiting on questionaire feedback, but people 
  haven’t complained on the charter. Mostly, it’s been the need for 
  simpler language, make it clear that it’s not required to be 
  implemented in the browser, and that we’re starting off with a 
  spec of some kind.
  … We’ve had two strong disagreements over charter and that 
  we’re duplicating work in ISO or IETF.

Topic: Use Case Reviews

Shane McCarron:  Steven has one review in...
Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Those are the complete use cases, the second is the 
  abbreviated set.
Manu Sporny:  Main review we need is to be sure use cases align 
  with the charter.
  … Send an email in to credentials or VCTF mailing lists and 
  copy text you want to comment on.
  … We’ll try to wrap up the questionare next week. Please fill 
  it out if you haven’t yet.
Manu Sporny: Link to questionnaire:

Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 16:40:20 UTC