Re: Agenda: Credentials CG Teleconference - Tuesday, April 21st 2015

It looks like I'm going to meet Gregg tomorrow at the Linked Data Platform
WG open meeting, but I'm going to miss you guys. :(

-Brent Shambaugh


On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Dave Longley <>

> Hi all,
> Manu is away at Payments 2015 this week so I'll be running the call.
> Gregg Kellogg is at the Extensible Web Summit and will have a brief
> report for us at the start of the call. Then we have updates on what's
> going on with the WebAppSec Credential Management API, the OBI
> context move over, and the Credentials/Badges Vocabulary.
> If you want to add anything to or modify the proposed agenda below,
> please respond via the mailing list or make a note of it at the
> beginning of the call.
> ==========
> Tuesday, April 21st 2015
> Time: 1500 UTC / 8am San Francisco / 11am Boston / 4pm London /
>                / 5pm Cape Town / 11pm Hong Kong / 1am Brisbane
> Text Chat:
>            irc://
> Voice:
>        tel:+1-540-961-4469;ext=6304 (extension 6304)
> Duration: 60 minutes
> Scribes: Nate, Longley, Manu, Gregg, Sunny, Mark, Brian
> ==========
> Proposed Agenda
> ---------------
> 1. Extensible Web Summit Update
> 2. WebAppSec Credential Management API
>    *
> 3. OBI v1 context
> 4. Credentials/Badges Vocabulary Update
>    * Nate Otto, Sunny Lee
>    *
> -Dave
> --
> Dave Longley
> Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2015 03:14:02 UTC