Feature Test Listing/Comparison: Modernizr, Ringmark, and Can I Use


I'm developing a combined browser- and feature-detection library
called Detector [1]. One of the primary functions of the library is to
run various feature tests against a browser and store the results. As
I move towards my v1.0 release I’ve decided to focus on refining the
list of tests that form the core of Detector’s ”browser map.” My
original listing of tests was cherry-picked from Modernizr’s “build
tool.” While a useful listing it doesn’t cover every feature that may
be of interest to developers. Especially, as I've found, those
developers primarily interested in mobile (including me).

In order to provide a more robust set of tests I decided to list,
organize, and, to a degree, allow a comparison between Modernizr [2],
Ringmark [3], and Can I Use [4]. I didn't list *every* feature test
provided by these libraries but I've listed most of them. Also, the
names reflect Modernizr's features so they may not quite match
Ringmark or Can I Use 100%.

Hopefully the Google Doc I put together proves useful to the group for
identifying tests that might need to be created as well as pointers to
code & spec that might help in the creation of those tests. I know I'm
going to try a few myself.


Each sheet is my attempt to organize tests into logical groups. There
is overlap. In locations where I’ve listed that a test doesn’t exist
(primarily Modernizr) I simply mean that it’s not included in the
official repo for that library. It could exist elsewhere. Ringmark
didn’t contain every test I expected (e.g. battery) so maybe I
overlooked something there as well. Suffice it to say it’s been a few
late nights. Please feel free to correct the doc if you notice any
errors. This is my first time deep diving into spec and tests.

I also referred to the following material:

 - HTML5 Rocks [5]
 - Mobile HTML5 Compatibility Sheet [6]
 - The HTML5 Test [7]
 - WHATWG [8]
 - W3C Standards & Drafts [9]

I know the doc is overwhelming but I wanted to record as much
information as I could while doing this process rather than have to
look up things later on. Hopefully it's useful.


1 - http://detector.dmolsen.com
2 - https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr
3 - https://github.com/facebook/coremob-tests/tree/master/tests
4 - http://tests.caniuse.com/
5 - http://www.html5rocks.com/
6 - http://mobilehtml5.org
7 - http://html5test.com/
8 - http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/#auto-toc-8
9 - http://www.w3.org/TR/



Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 08:26:50 UTC