Spelling/Grammatical Error

Hi there,

I noticed, while going over the W3C Accessibility Standards, that there is a
simple grammatical error on:
http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/Overview.phpThe error is under
"Sufficient Techniques for 1.4.3 - Contrast (Minimum)" in this
sentence: “Situation
B: text is as least 18 point if not bold and at least 14 point if bold“.
"as" should be "at".

Hopefully it's a quick fix! Take care and keep up the great work.
Webdevelopers around the world rely on your standards and best practises.

Darcy Clarke

Darcy Clarke

Say Yeah!
289.892.4366 cell

Received on Monday, 18 May 2009 09:24:28 UTC