Re: G14 and G122 color technique: duplicated

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Sailesh Panchang <> wrote:
> The above techniques appear  identical from their titles as well  as from the content- description, examples etc.
> I suggest merging them.
> 1. G14: Ensuring that information conveyed by color differences is also available in text
> 2. G122: Including a text cue whenever color cues are used
> Sorry I keep sending  these comments from time to time for your consideration.
> Thanks,
> Sailesh Panchang
> Tel 571-344-1765

Response from the Working Group

G14 is a general technique providing several examples of using text to
convey information that is conveyed by color differences. G122 is
actually an HTML technique describing a way to include text cues when
color is used to indicate required form fields. G122 will be renamed
to Hxx: Including a text cue for colored form control labels.

We are also modifying Example 2 in Understanding SC 1.4.1 to read

Students view an SVG image of a chemical compound and identify the
chemical elements present based on the colors and numbers used in the
diagram. The text alternatives associated with each element name the
color of the element and indicate the element's position in the
diagram. Students who cannot perceive color have the same information
about the compound as their classmates. (This technique also satisfies
Guideline 1.1 Level A.)

We are modifying Example 2 in G14:

The schedule for sessions at a technology conference is organized into
three tracks. Next to the title of each session is an icon consisting
of a colored circle with a number in the middle showing what track it
belongs to: blue circles with the number 1 represent track 1, yellow
circles with the number 2 represent Track 2, and green circles with
the number 3 represent Track 3. Each icon is associated with a text
alternative reading "Track 1," "Track 2," or "Track 3," as

Loretta Guarino Reid, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Gregg Vanderheiden, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact

On behalf of the WCAG Working Group

Received on Friday, 8 May 2009 20:04:09 UTC