Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Working Draft of December, 2007

Dear working group,

I accept all of the responses to the comments listed below.

With regards,

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Loretta Guarino Reid <> wrote:

> Dear Sofia Celic,
> Thank you for your comments on the 11 Dec 2007 Last Call Working Draft
> of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0
> The WCAG Working Group
> has reviewed all comments received on the December draft. Before we
> proceed to implementation, we would like to know whether we have
> understood your comments correctly and whether you are satisfied with
> our resolutions.
> Please review our resolutions for the following comments, and reply to
> us by 31 March 2008 at to say whether
> you accept them or to discuss additional concerns you have with our
> response. Note that this list is publicly archived.
> Please see below for the text of comments that you submitted and our
> resolutions to your comments. Each comment includes a link to the
> archived copy of your original comment on
>, and may
> also include links to the relevant changes in the WCAG 2.0 Editor's
> Draft of 10 March 2008 at
> Note that if you still strongly disagree with our resolution on an issue,
> you have the opportunity to file a formal objection (according to
> 3.3.2 of the W3C Process, at
> )
> to Formal objections will be reviewed
> during the candidate recommendation transition meeting with the W3C
> Director, unless we can come to agreement with you on a resolution in
> advance of the meeting.
> Thank you for your time reviewing and sending comments. Though we
> cannot always do exactly what each commenter requests, all of the
> comments are valuable to the development of WCAG 2.0.
> Regards,
> Loretta Guarino Reid, WCAG WG Co-Chair
> Gregg Vanderheiden, WCAG WG Co-Chair
> Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact
> On behalf of the WCAG Working Group
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Comment 1: Add image map example
> Source:
> (Issue ID: 2480)
> ----------------------------
> Original Comment:
> ----------------------------
> Please add an example of an image that is used as an image map. This
> should describe the informative text alternative required for this
> image purpose.
> For example, technique H24 has an alt attribute value of "Areas in the
> library". This could be a photo of areas in the library. The text
> alternative needs to indicate the fact that the image is an
> interactive map. (I will submit this example as a comment for the
> technique too.)
> Proposed Change:
> Add an image map example.
> Possible example:
> "An image map:
> An image of a building floor plan is interactive, allowing the user to
> select a particular room and navigate to a page containing information
> about that room. The short text alternative describes the image and
> its interactive purpose: 'Building floor plan. Select a room for more
> information.'"
> Also - add "image maps" to the Addition Information section; paragraph
> starting with "For non-text content that is a control or accepts user
> input , such as images used as submit buttons [,image maps] or complex
> animations,..."
> ---------------------------------------------
> Response from Working Group:
> ---------------------------------------------
> We have included the example and image map text as proposed.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Comment 2: H24: Image map text alternative
> Source:
> (Issue ID: 2481)
> ----------------------------
> Original Comment:
> ----------------------------
> This technique has an example of an image with alt attribute value of
> "Areas in the library". This could be a photo of areas in the library.
> The text alternative needs to indicate the interactive purpose of the
> image too (ie, the fact that the image is an interactive map).
> Proposed Change:
> Change the 'alt' attribute value to "Areas in the library. Select an
> area for more information on that area."
> ---------------------------------------------
> Response from Working Group:
> ---------------------------------------------
> We have added the proposed example.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Comment 3: H37: Add image map example
> Source:
> (Issue ID: 2482)
> ----------------------------
> Original Comment:
> ----------------------------
> Please include a specific image map example in this technique.
> This is required to show the need to clearly indicate the image is an
> image map in the image's text alternative.
> Proposed Change:
> Add an example such as:
> An image on a website depicts the floor plan of a building. The image
> is an image map with each room an interactive map area. The alt text
> is "The building's floor plan. Select a room for more information
> about the purpose or content of the room." The instruction to "select
> a room" indicates that the image is interactive.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Response from Working Group:
> ---------------------------------------------
> We have added the proposed example.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Comment 4: G94: add image map example
> Source:
> (Issue ID: 2483)
> ----------------------------
> Original Comment:
> ----------------------------
> Please add an image map example to the list of examples.
> Proposed Change:
> Perhaps: "An image of a series of books on a shelf contains
> interactive areas that provide the navigation means to a web page
> about the particular book. The text alternative 'The books available
> to buy in this section. Select a book for more details about that
> book.' describes the picture and the interactive nature."
> ---------------------------------------------
> Response from Working Group:
> ---------------------------------------------
> We have added the proposed example.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Comment 5: clarify keyboard shortcut
> Source:
> (Issue ID: 2484)
> ----------------------------
> Original Comment:
> ----------------------------
> The advisory technique "Providing keyboard access to important links
> and form controls" needs further clarity that it is refering to
> shortcuts.
> Proposed Change:
> Include "shortcuts"
> ---------------------------------------------
> Response from Working Group:
> ---------------------------------------------
> The title was changed to:
> "Providing keyboard shortcuts to important links and form controls"

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