Wording not explicit enough, and too similar to 2.4.4

Name: Cecil Ward
Email: cecil@cecilward.com
Document: W2
Item Number: Success Criterion 2.4.8
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: Wording not explicit enough, and too similar to 2.4.4
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
SC 2.4.4 versus 2.4.8 - The wording of 2.4.8 is confusingly similar to 2.4.4 so that it is quite unclear what if any difference there is between the two.

The term \"link text\" is undefined. For example, in (X)HTML, does this include the content of any title attribute as well as the text node that is the child of the <a> element.

Proposed Change:
Changes to 2.4.4 wording as well as to 2.4.8 to clarify by highlighting the distinction.

[Assuming that I have managed to correctly guess what was intended,] then the problem can be resolved by adding somthing along the lines of  the phrase \"if necessary, with context taken into account\" (or similar) to 2.4.4


\"when read out of context\" to 2.4.8. Anyway, the word \"context\" should appear in both, clearly contrasted.

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 17:38:28 UTC