Comment LC-1070

Comment 47:

(Issue ID: LC-1070)

Baseline CSS: This mapping essentially says that if CSS is in the baseline
then information can be put into the style sheet and not in the HTML. This
appears to allow formatting (ie headings) via CSS and not HTML, important
images included in CSS and not HTML, etc. How is someone who uses a screen
reader going to interpret this? How are they going to be able to access the
information they require?

Proposed Change:

Clarify baseline requirements

Response from Working Group:

If CSS is an accessibility-supported Web technology, then the author can
rely on it to satisfy success criterion. However, the success criterion must
still be satisfied. So, for instance, if non-text content that conveys
information is included via CSS, SC 1.1.1 requires that a text alternative
also present equivalent information. This information must be
programmatically determined, that is, exposed to assistive technologies.

So even if most of the features or functionality of a Web technology are
accessibility supported, it may not be possible to use certain functionality
in the technology and still conform to WCAG.

We have completely rewritten the Conformance section, and this should now be
Response from GSW:
I don't believe this is clear from reading the conformance section. Perhaps
some examples would assist? For example an image that is integral to the
user shouldn't sit within CSS because it cannot be accessed by AT -
therefore it should sit within the HTML so that AT can access it and it's
alternative text. Another example should be that developers use <h1> etc
instead of <class="heading1"> as the former is a recognized element by AT.

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 15:12:51 UTC