IBM comments to CSS Techniques July 30, 2004, public draft

IBM comments to the CSS Techniques July 30, 2004 public draft

1)  1.1 use em or % - There is an example of using em, it would be helpful 
to include an example using %, as well.

2) 1.2 Using px for properties that do not need to be changed -  In 
response to the editorial note in the example, an example of image width 
and height is probably not necessary.

3) Section 2 does not reference any  corresponding guidelines.  Does that 
mean that both 2.1 and 2.2 are really optional or is this just an 

4) 2.2  accessing alternative  representations of content - the task for 
this is listed as optional. Please consider putting optional techniques in 
a separate section.  Also, information about browser support would be 
helpful - does this technique even work in IE?

5) 3.1 Media types - Examples would be useful to show the best way to use 
media types.

6) 4.1   creating borders - please clarify why this is important.  For 
example, should we use CSS for borders vs putting something in a layout 
table with borders?  The HTML techniques suggest using CSS rather than 
tables for layout, is this another example where CSS can help keep tables 
only for data?.   Some groups of content are better served by using the 
fieldset element to do the visual and semantic grouping.  You might 
include a references to that HTML technique since most CSS users are also 
using HTML. 

7)  4.2 margins - An example would be very helpful.  The technique  says 
to use CSS instead of  , but doesn't really explain why that is 
better.  Some "rationale" along with an example would be appreciated. Many 
sites use   all the time - it would be helpful to see an example of 
how to use CSS instead of that.  Does this relate to padding as well as 

8) 5.4 hiding and showing content - please add a reference to the 
corresponding guidelines and add examples.  Looking forward to more 
information about support for display:none and visibility:hidden in 
different AT as logged by the referenced bugzilla issue.

9) 7.3 creating foreground and background contrast -  Agreement with the 
editorial comment about moving this to general/gateway techniques - it 
really doesn't seem to belong in CSS Techniques. 

10) 8.1 specify fallback fonts - Agree with the editorial comment that 
this does not appear to be an accessibility issue and would recommend this 
as an optional technique.

11) 9.2 indenting text - Please provide an example.  Also, reference the 
HTML technique about misuse of <blockquote>  and explain why text-indent 
is better.   Also, this technique references Guidelines 1.3 L1 SC3, 1.4 L1 
SC1 and 3.2 L2 SC1 - is this correct? These success criteria relate to 
color, text over a background, and components on multiple pages, 
respectively  which doesn't seem to relate to text indenting???

12) 9.4 changing case.  Why do you need the text-transform?  Is this 
really an accessibility issue? If so, please provide an example.

13) 9.6 underlining,  overlining, and blink - please provide an example 
for underlining or overlining.  Blink is certainly an accessibility issue, 
but what about underlining and overlining - what is the accessibility 
justification for this technique?

14) 10.1 displaying empty table cells - Does this mean that this technique 
is better because you can use "empty-cells" to space tables and not have 
the AT read "blank" when you tab to that cell?  Without an explanation of 
why this helps accessibility it is hard to see if it is useful.

15) 11.1 outlining content - Why is this an accessibility issue - the 
connection to Guideline 2.4 seems marginal? Is there an HTML technique 
that it replaces?  An example might help to clarify. 
16) Running examples would be helpful throughout the document so you can 
see the code and the result. This particularly applies to section 13 - 
miscellaneous assortment of techniques.    Working examples would also be 
good for the HTML techniques. 

compiled by
Becky Gibson
Web Accessibility Architect
IBM Emerging Internet Technologies
5 Technology Park Drive
Westford, MA 01886
Voice: 978 399-6101; t/l 333-6101

Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2004 18:56:19 UTC