web page error on long desc in intro:

When I clicked the long desc on:
The following appeared:

"Error 404

Sorry, Not Found.

The URL path in your request doesn't match anything we have available.

NOTE: In October 1996 we moved several historical documents to
archival storage.
The document you are looking for may be there.

Please step through the following points to find and hopefully fix the 
If you typed the URL by hand then please make sure that it is exactly as it 
should be. Also check the capitalization and that you are using forward 
( / ). If you are in doubt then you can always try to find what you are 
looking for from our
home page.
If this does not help then you may want to try our
search engine
to look for specific keywords.
If the link you have is very old or you picked it up from a book etc. then 
it may not exist anymore. In that case please mail the full URL to our 
explaining where you got the link and what information you are looking for.

You can get more information about the W3C website and how to browse around 
from our
Webmaster FAQ.
$Id: Error-404.html,v 1.14 2003/10/16 21:21:56 vivien Exp $"
Johnnie Apple Seed

Received on Monday, 6 December 2004 18:12:51 UTC