Minutes and summary for April 18th Clear Language/WCAG 3 Coordination subgroup meeting



   Julie, John R., John K., EA, Tiffany, Chuck Adams



   Discussed How AG’s April 2024 list of WCAG 3 outcomes affects COGA

   Double-negatives outcome

      Chuck will ask AG chairs if Clear Language's “Avoid using double
      negatives to express a positive” outcome was left off AG’s list of
      WCAG 3 outcomes
      intentionally or unintentionally.

      Getting this input from AG will help Clear Language determine next

   Multi-step process outcome

      Julie sent COGA members an email after the meeting with two Github

      👎 Thumbs-down AG's proposal to remove the "Multi-step process"

      👎 Thumbs-up Julie's comment in Github
      why the “Multi-step process” outcome is broader than/not a
duplicate of the
      “Current location” outcome

   “Risks” outcome

      Julie added a suggestion to AG’s list of WCAG 3 outcomes
      to change “Risk” to “Risk statements” to make clear why it’s in the “Text
      and wording” section.

      This suggestion is relatively minor wordsmithing, so I added it as a
      margin comment in AG's google doc rather than a Github comment.


   - https://www.w3.org/2024/04/18-coga-minutes.html

*Next meeting*

   - Lisa is working on the COGA subgroup schedule and we'll sound out
   dates soon for May through June.


[image: understood.logo] <https://www.understood.org/>   *Julie Rawe*
*Director, Content Strategy & Accessibility*
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Received on Thursday, 18 April 2024 22:16:44 UTC