Usability Section Rewrite


We received a comment that complimented the value of the usability section
that focused on cognitive and learning and pointed out that it was somewhat
lost amid the more generic usability information. This comment also pointed
out that the generic information is incomplete (which we had also stated).

When I reread the section from that perspective, I personally agreed with
it and made an attempt to refocus the section. We have previously discussed
leaving the usability section as it was other than minor edits so, if
agreed on, this would be a change from previous discussions.

There are a few ways to view the changes I am proposing:

   - I've listed a summary of the changes below
   - I've attached a MSWord document with the inline changes
   - You can view both versions at the current Google Doc

Summary of changes

   - The biggest change is that I removed section 5.4 Usability Testing and
   moved the link to additional resources to the end of the first section
   - I moved the heading for section 5.4.1 Differences from Usability
   Testing with the General Population up a heading level so it became section
   5.4. I think this draws more attention to it
   - I combined all statements about how to recruit people into a
   single list and changed the introduction from "Finding people to include in
   usability testing who have different cognitive and learning disabilities
   can be relatively easy." to "There are many ways to find people with
   cognitive and learning disabilities. A few include:"
   - I also made editorial fixes and reordered several paragraphs and

I believe these are the major changes but if someone sees something else,
please respond and call it out.

Kind regards,


Rachael Montgomery, PhD
Director, Accessible Community

"I will paint this day with laughter;
I will frame this night in song."
 - Og Mandino

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2021 01:07:10 UTC