RE: Request for comments: icon concepts for "ensure processes do not rely on memory"

These look really good.
I opened the current content usable document and sized these images in the email to the same as those used in the Summary to try to imagine them in the size they may appear in the document before being magnified (
With this in  mind, I like the first one with the checkboxes (A), but think the pencil may not be necessary.
A suggestion would be to remove the pencil and increase the size of the other elements within the bubble (text, checkboxes).

Jennie Delisi
Accessibility Analyst | Office of Accessibility
Minnesota IT Services | Partners in Performance
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From: Rain Michaels <>
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 3:20 PM
Subject: Request for comments: icon concepts for "ensure processes do not rely on memory"

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Following our quick brainstorm about icons to represent "ensure processes do not rely on memory," I have added a couple of explorations into the Content Usable Summary Icons<> Google doc.

I've also attached the exploration image directly to this email if that is easier than accessing the Google Doc.

Once I receive comments, I can revise if as needed.

Thank you,


Super long alt text for the image:
Six illustrations, three that are more direct and three that are more abstracted: A. thought bubble with a checklist inside, B. Thought bubble with pinned sticky notes inside, C. Person's head with a sticky note in the place of a brain, D. Sticky note with a magic tail evoking the concept of leaving, E. Thought bubble with a moving process showing the thought going away, F. Process symbol with a sticky note inside of it

Received on Monday, 8 February 2021 17:13:55 UTC