Apologies if this has already been discussed and I missed it. I’m working on my schedule for October, and trying to ensure I leave open times for TPAC.
I have reviewed the scheduled provided on the various TPAC webpages ( and the related pages) but do not see ones specific to the COGA or the AG group.
Will there be COGA specific meetings during TPAC beyond our usual meeting day and time? If so, can you tell me the day and time?
Will there be Accessibility Guidelines Working Group specific meetings during TPAC beyond the usual Tuesday meetings? If so, can you tell me the day and time?
Also, if there are any TPAC meetings that may discuss COGA related topics, would it be possible to know those as well?
Thank you,

Jennie Delisi, MA, CPWA
Accessibility Analyst | Office of Accessibility
Minnesota IT Services | Partners in Performance
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN, 55155
O: 651-201-1135
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Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 14:55:14 UTC