Re: re TPAC


There are no AG specific meetings planned.

Best regards,

On Sep 30, 2020, 10:55 AM -0400, Delisi, Jennie (MNIT) <>, wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies if this has already been discussed and I missed it. I’m working on my schedule for October, and trying to ensure I leave open times for TPAC.
> I have reviewed the scheduled provided on the various TPAC webpages ( and the related pages) but do not see ones specific to the COGA or the AG group.
> Will there be COGA specific meetings during TPAC beyond our usual meeting day and time? If so, can you tell me the day and time?
> Will there be Accessibility Guidelines Working Group specific meetings during TPAC beyond the usual Tuesday meetings? If so, can you tell me the day and time?
> Also, if there are any TPAC meetings that may discuss COGA related topics, would it be possible to know those as well?
> Thank you,
> Jennie
> Jennie Delisi, MA, CPWA
> Accessibility Analyst | Office of Accessibility
> Minnesota IT Services | Partners in Performance
> 658 Cedar Street
> St. Paul, MN, 55155
> O: 651-201-1135
> Information Technology for Minnesota Government |
> <image001.png>

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 15:34:47 UTC