Current wording for simple words in labels etc.

I think this is the currently proposed wording for Plain language. We are still working on a good definition of " concept in the current context" or we will replace that term, and we need to redo the exception with user testing

Plain language: Provide clear and simple language in instructions, labels, navigational elements, and error messages, which require a response to continue, so that all of the following are true.

Simple tense: Use present tense and active voice.  
Simple, clear, and common words: Use the most common 1500 words or phrases or, provide words, phrases or abbreviations that are the are most-common form to refer to the concept in the current context.
Double negatives are not used.
Concrete language: Non-literal language is not used, or can be automatically replaced, via an easy-to-set user setting. All meaning must be retained when non-literal text is replaced.
Instructions: Each step in instructions is identified.

If there are no tools available in the language of the content that identify uncommon words, instructions that are longer then 400 words are exempt unless they directly relate to a critical service
When a passive voice or a tense (other than present tense) is clearer. Other voices or tenses may be used when it has been shown, via user testing, to be easier to understand, friendlier, or appropriate.
In languages where present tense and active voice do not exist, or are not clearer in the language of the content, use the tense and the voice that are clearest for the content.
When describing or discussing past or future events, the present tense is not required.
If the writing style is an essential part of the main function of the site, such as a game, a literary work, or teaching new terms.
Where less-common words are found to be easier to understand for the audience. Such findings are supported by user testing that includes users with cognitive disabilities. 
The writing-style items may be replaced for a location or a type of content in which user testing has shown a more-effective writing style to aid comprehension for people with cognitive disabilities. Example: content written in a specific natural language.
The content will be penalized for not conforming to a given writing style (such as a CV, dissertation, or Ph.D. proposal).

Received on Monday, 20 February 2017 16:39:01 UTC